Monday, September 14, 2009

The Savage Religion: Kill Bad Muslims for God and Beg Him For Forgiveness Forever

Tonight Michael Savage has gone on another arrogant tirade against liberals and the entire world. He's ignored and warped the teachings of the Bible by proclaiming on his radio show, to the world: You don't go to church to celebrate, you go to get on your hands and knees and worship God." "You go to church to beg for forgiveness." "We're all bad." "Prayer is begging." "God is not your friend, it' s a vengeful God we have." He also said that we must "understand what the Muslim knows" (as in his Michael Savage's of God), we will fail. It's clear Michael Savage is trying to turn the non-violent type Jews and Christians into warmongers that will crush Islam by propaganda and war. In his madness he trying to make warmongers as bad who are as bad as Muslims and who will crush both atheists, socialists, communists, and Muslims who support war against Christians and Jews and attacks against himself.

It's obvious Michael wants to be the leader of these war monger Jews, Christians and anti-"extremist" Muslim Muslims. How deluded to think he will last as a leader of people who will become more corrupt than "extremist" Muslims and liberals, more corrupt because they will be turning their backs on the second greatest law: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

How can this so called modern "Samuel", one of the greatest Christians to ever live, have missed so many verses commanding God's people to be happy about him?:

"Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation?
Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions?
Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it?
On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone
while the morning stars sang together
and all the angels shouted for joy?"
Job 38:4-7

I will build you up again and you will be rebuilt,
O Virgin Israel. Again you will take up your tambourines
and go out to dance with the joyful.
Jeremiah 31:4

Then maidens will dance and be glad,
young men and old as well.
I will turn their mourning into gladness;
I will give them comfort and joy
instead of sorrow.
Jeremiah 31:13

Sing to him a new song;
play skillfully, and shout for joy.
Psalm 33:3

But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you;
may those who love your salvation always say,
"Yahweh be exalted!"
Psalm 40:16

My tears have been my food day and night,
while men say to me all day long,

"Where is your God?"

These things I remember as I pour out my soul:
how I used to go with the multitude,
leading the procession to the house of God,
with shouts of joy and thanksgiving
among the festive throng.
Psalm 42:3-4

Clap your hands, all you nations;
shout to God with cries of joy.
Psalm 47:1

God has ascended amid shouts of joy,
Yahweh amid the sounding of trumpets.
Psalm 47:5

The meadows are covered with flocks
and the valleys are mantled with grain;
they shout for joy and sing.
Psalm 65:13

Shout with joy to God, all the earth!
Psalm 66:1

may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you;
may those who love your salvation always say,
"Let God be exalted!"
Psalm 70:4

My lips will shout for joy
when I sing praise to you—
I, whom you have redeemed.
Psalm 71:23

Sing for joy to God our strength;
shout aloud to the God of Jacob!
Psalm 81:1

Come, let us sing for joy to the Yahweh;
let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
Psalm 95:1

Shout for joy to Yahweh, all the earth,
burst into jubilant song with music;
make music to the Yahweh, with the harp,
with the harp and the sound of singing,
with trumpets and the blast of the ram's horn—
shout for joy before Yahweh, the King.
Let the sea resound, and everything in it,
the world, and all who live in it.
Psalm 98:4-7

He brought out his people with rejoicing,
his chosen ones with shouts of joy
Psalm 105:43

Shouts of joy and victory resound
in the tents of the righteous:
"Yahweh's right hand has done mighty things!"
Psalm 118:15

When the righteous prosper,
the city rejoices; when the wicked perish,
there are shouts of joy.
Proverbs 11:10

Shout aloud and sing for joy, people of Zion,
for great is the Holy One of Israel among you.
Isaiah 12:6

They raise their voices, they shout for joy;
from the west they acclaim Yahweh's majesty.
Isaiah 24:14

But your dead will live; their bodies will rise.
You who dwell in the dust, wake up and shout for joy.
Your dew is like the dew of the morning; the earth
will give birth to her dead.
Isaiah 26:19

The desert and the parched land will be glad;
the wilderness will rejoice and blossom.
Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom;
it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy.
The glory of Lebanon will be given to it,
the splendor of Carmel and Sharon;
they will see the glory of Yahweh,
the splendor of our God.
Strengthen the feeble hands,
steady the knees that give way;
say to those with fearful hearts,
"Be strong, do not fear;
your God will come,
he will come with vengeance;
with divine retribution
he will come to save you."
Then will the eyes of the blind be opened
and the ears of the deaf unstopped.
Then will the lame leap like a deer,
and the mute tongue shout for joy.
Water will gush forth in the wilderness
and streams in the desert.
Isaiah 35:1-6

Let the desert and its towns raise their voices;
let the settlements where Kedar lives rejoice.
Let the people of Sela sing for joy;
let them shout from the mountaintops.
Isaiah 42:11

I have swept away your offenses like a cloud,
your sins like the morning mist.
Return to me, for I have redeemed you."
Sing for joy, O heavens, for Yahweh has done this;
shout aloud, O earth beneath. Burst into song,
you mountains, you forests and all your trees,
for Yahweh has redeemed Jacob,
he displays his glory in Israel.
Isaiah 44:22-23

Leave Babylon, flee from the Babylonians!
Announce this with shouts of joy and proclaim it.
Send it out to the ends of the earth; say,
"Yahweh has redeemed his servant Jacob."
Isaiah 48:20

Shout for joy, O heavens; rejoice, O earth;
burst into song, O mountains! For Yahweh
comforts his people and will have compassion
on his afflicted ones.
Isaiah 49:13

Listen! Your watchmen lift up their voices;
together they shout for joy.
When Yahweh returns to Zion,
they will see it with their own eyes.
Isaiah 52:8

Sing, O barren woman,
you who never bore a child;
burst into song, shout for joy,
you who were never in labor;
because more are the children
of the desolate woman
than of her who has a husband
Isaiah 54:1

Sing with joy for Jacob;
shout for the foremost of the nations.
Make your praises heard, and say,
"O Yahweh, save your people,
the remnant of Israel."
Jeremiah 31:7

They will come and shout
for joy on the heights of Zion;
they will rejoice in the
bounty of Yahweh—the grain,
the new wine and the oil,
the young of the flocks and herds.
They will be like a well-watered garden,
and they will sorrow no more.
Jeremiah 31:12

Then heaven and earth and all
that is in them will shout for joy
over Babylon, for out of the north
destroyers will attack her,"
declares Yahweh.
Jeremiah 51:48

Rejoice in the Lord always.
I will say it again: Rejoice!
Philippians 4:4

I'm a Christian, and will never endorse Savigism, a religion where Michael would have you kill those who made him look bad in court in order to bury that humiliation.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Some Comments from Bob Brinker on Money Talk

"Even if we do decrease our [oil] imports from OPEC, we have to increase them from somewhere else... and we're not doing anything about our domestic [drilling]" (so we're stuck with trillions of dollars in debt).

"Now this is the second time in the year that I see an anti-China tone in [America's government policy]... There's no reason on Earth that we should be discouraging [China] from buying national treasuries, there was no reason on Earth for [Hillary Clinton] to [encourage them not to] do that... she never apologized for saying [that they shouldn't]... now [Obama] comes our of left field and slaps this tremendous tariff on American tires... [American] manufacturers operating in China. ... Those who deny globalization will fail."

"That's what we have: celebrity politicians, especially! on Capitol Hill."

"Why [the American government] is dragging it's feet on natural gas is beyond me. ...if the president would simply call a new conference starting in November, [announcing that] all the new vehicles in the government portfolio would be natural gas propelled... it would create jobs for the creation of the vehicles... natural gas is a cleaner burning fuel, as you know, then gasoline... it's positive across the board, it would reduce our dependence on gasoline... Dr. Bill's been talking about this, I've been talking about this... we've been pounding on this for a long time... everything would change right away... So many pluses that comes out of this thing it boggles the mind that we're not already doing it." - Some comments today from the global currency proponent Bob Brinker on his MoneyTalk, show today.

A short while after making those comments a caller called into his show to say, among other things: "Politicians are very happy to keep control of the power [they currently have]..." Part of Bob's reply was, "by running up this national debt... by doing this as an official U.S. government policy now, what were doing is, we're actually lowering our future growth potential of our country, this is not the policy you want to pursue if you want to create jobs... talk about bogus programs, misguided policy, boy I'll tell yah, that is a direct hit when you mention that ethanol program."

Bob doesn't believe that there are American elitists in the U.S. government who are deliberately trying to destroy America, but he say more than once today, on Money Talk, that he believed that there were some American congressman (99% of them according to his past shows) that were destroying it in ignorance. He is forgetful of the obvious: bitterness, revenge, and complacency.

Rush Limbaugh: Trojan Communist?

On "patriot day" Obama villified 9/11 truthers, saying that they had lied through their teeth to get on to his show, said that they were "politically insane" and that he did as much as he could to make sure that they remained a small minority. In his babbling arrogance he apparently forgot that "politically insane" is a nonsense accusation used by socialists and communists against those who would not agree with their political dogma in order to have an arbitrary reason to jail or kill them. This is the same Rush Limbaugh who in December 2008, allowed a caller to say to him, "You are my God." Excuse-maker for Gluttony Rush the Lie-for-a-High-Dimbog is not a conservative, but rather a trojan horse for the elitist anti-Christians. He's obviously trying to make Christians look stupid and gullible, and no doubt, Satan is behind him. But Satan's accusing the children of God backfires, as only the false fundamentalist Christians, the Arminians, stick with Rush, and that makes the true Christians shine true all the more in this world.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

George Noory You Hypocrite

I almost puked again listening to George The Presumptuous Noory just now grilling Alex Jones as he talked with him about Alex's supposed lie. George was being a jerk and wouldn't get off the subject, and just before the interview ended, like a scheming weasel, said, "Honest mistake: you should have put the disclaimer on the top?" after Alex said it was a server problem that the disclaimer didn't upload with the mock Obama/Sheen inteview. George asked Alex that well into the time when the commercial break music could be heard, and Alex no doubt could hear it, and not wanting to lose Coast to Coast AM as a platform gave in and said it was a mistake. So, George, in order to save his own image, wouldn't admit fault in rushing carelessly to judgment, wouldn't let go of his "it really upset me [that you uploaded a fake interview]" pretense, and instead got Alex to admit fault, with the possible threat of not allowing him back on the show, though George didn't have a single witness to back him his claim that Alex deliberately lied.

George, disgustingly, tried to cover his own presumptuous accusation by saying it would really upset him if someone had him saying something he didn't (and therefore condemning all fiction, which includes his beloved sci-fi genre) even though Alex said it was a server error. In other words, "But Alex: I don't like it if someone makes a story about me, that makes me mad, so you shouldn't make stories about anyone saying things they didn't because it makes me mad."

Pandering to George; now that's a mistake.

George, can you be honest and admit your mistake? You don't think the fear of not being able to use your show to warn millions of a great danger to their lives wouldn't be an unfair pressure on anyone when repeatedly trying to get them to admit a lie without witnesses to back up your accusation?

Oh, and besides George's psychic lie, why did he keep glorifying John Titor even though it's been shown to be an absurd, disgusting, hoax? Why did George "put at the bottom" the fact that John Titor had made failed predictions during his ramblings about him on Coast to Coast AM? When it was brought up by a caller George begrudgingly admitted the error but immediately tried excusing it away with the absurd excuse that this failed prediction wasn't really a failure at all but due to John being from a parallel universe (what a desperate idiot). During that show George had as a guest the owner of the JohnTitor website, who said that he didn't accept emails because he didn't want to be distracted in his research on John Titor. What a scum liar. More like: "I can't be bothered with the truth and people repeatedly showing me research (evidence) that my research (website) is an evil lie which I'm trying to make money off of."

Maybe Alex will have some Not Ready to Make Nice regrets later on, while, George and the rest of the Coast to Coast AM lying hosts continue to twist and ignore Scripture and and promote the obvious liars who support it.

Bank of America and Shareholders Needs Salvation From Hell

“Transaction Sorting”

Maximizes Overdraft Fees for Banks

by Kristy Welsh

With the new credit card laws about to go into effect, banks are scrambling to replace the usurious income they used to be able to generate through late fees and sudden high interest rates. Overdraft fees on checking accounts are now being referred to in the banking industry as the “motherlode”. The method for maximizing these fees is called “transaction sorting”, a process where banks can clear charges in any order they choose to generate the maximum number of overdrafts.

For instance, lets say you have a $35 balance in your checking account, and pending checks and debit card transactions of $15, $10 and $100. Even if the transaction dates of the $15 and $10 charges precede the $100 check, the bank can choose to clear the $100 check first. Clearing the transactions out of order will result in three overdraft charges instead of one, or $90 versus $30 in fees. In short, the bank took things out of sequence to make more money.

Read the rest of the article here.

More here:

Overdraft Fees Revisited

Wachovia, BofA, Citibank Sued Over 'Bad-Faith' Overdraft Fees

Ripoff Report

George Noory: Lying, Self-righteous, Hypocrite

Yesterday on Coast to Coast AM, one of its hosts, George Noory - who supported Alex Jones - said he was disappointed in Alex for lying, and that it would forever tarnish his (Alex's) reputation. George, it also forever tarnishes yours for supporting him, as do all your other anti-Christian bashing lies. And do you need to be reminded of your deceiving a caller for the laugh of the rest of them, and you saying you'd go to Hell for it? Or how about when you lied about having a psychic insight?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

More Coast to Coast AM Folly

LOL, a caller called into Coast to Coast AM right now, ignorant of Michael Cremo, who told George Noory that there was no way humans could have made nuclear weapons thousands of years ago, and when George mentioned that the caller must not have heard of Michael Cremo, the caller replied that he'd give Michael some credit and his sources, but that until he saw National Geographic and Popular Science say it was true, then it wouldn't be definitively true. Don't ya know the writers of National Geographic (who supported the Archeoraptor Hoax) and the Pop. Sci. editors (who's 9/11 debunking article was refuted) are the standard for truth, let alone scientific truth? Not. Then, incredibly, the caller asked if one of George Noory's past guests (Lynn McTaggart, an anti-Christian, sterotyping, myth-spreading, psuedo-scientist) would send some (good) intentions his way so that he could get a job (after having been out of a job since the end of January 2009. While listening to the caller I thought, "So these are the idiots supporting National Georgraph and Popular Science".

Earlier in the show George had a guest on named Frank Joseph Hoff, and a caller asked Frank what he thought of the possibility of Atlanteans having red hair, to which Frank replied, "You could do a whole show on that." George replied, "Well I'm not doing a whole show on red hair." LOL.

At 11:47 A.M., George said, "Allyou have to do is look at the book of revelation, apocalypse, look at the signs."

These people really need prayer. How sad their lives will be if they end up in Hell forever - the eternal shame they will have to live with.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Two Wrongs Do Make A Right

I bought two bicycle parts which by themselves turned out to be garbage, but when I put them together it evened things out. Thanks God.

"And we know that in all things God works
for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose."
Romans 8:28


The last two Coast to Coasts were so sickeningly stupid I had to turn the radio off, and latest one almost made me puke with that rambling fake Christian idiot ranting away like an idiot teen about his stupid dreams, UFOs and the Bible. Sickening.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Anatomy of Evil: Pyschotic Witch Hunter Narcissist and False Christian Ian Punnet

After reading the news at the beginning of the Coast to Coast A.M. show tonight, Ian Punnet, a host of Coast to Coast A.M., endorsed his upcoming guest (an evil) author Michael Baigent, saying that he as coming out with a new book on Christian and Muslim fundamentalists. (Ian later said he was going to have a guest on tonight who wrote a book called Anatomy of Evil, and that this book has been on his mind for a long while.)

Ian, rather than merely reading the subject of Michael's book with a "this is merely his opinion" tone, instead, had a tone of voice in which he was endorsing it as true, and after his description, to my disgust, called, said that "Christian" "fundamentalists" are "extremists" and that "We should be mindful of the fact that they don't care if we live or not." You stupid psycho. What an evil slanderer you are. A person who makes comments like that, not based on facts is the one who hates God, is the one who hates his neighbor, is the one who could care less if people die or not, even babies and kids.

So psycho, 60+ million Christians, Jesus (who repeatedly condemned slanderers like you to Hell), God (who said, he "hate[s] all who do wrong. - Psalm 5:5), even the kids and teens don't care huh Ian, not even about babies being aborted? OOOPS YOU FORGOT ABOUT THAT STICKS OUT LIKE A SORE THUMB PART. You're a moron. So no fundamentalist gives to the poor, DOESN'T abort a baby in order to be responsible for it, DOESN'T adopt orphans to help them, doesn't let anyone borrow anything from them, HASN'T contributed to science in any way? Evil mocking ignorant much? In denial of the utter obvious much?

My God what a psycho you are to casually vilify dozens of millions of people and then, as usual, to go on making stupid smug childish jokes about stupid things like smurfs.

Where is your conscience you sick narcissist slim? I'm happy to be called an extremist and fundamentalist for obeying the two greatest laws of the Bible:

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart" and "Love your neighbor as yourself" which includes, "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."

Why have you never said once either of those laws, which Jesus said were the two greatest, on Coast to Coast A.M.? Why instead do you keep vilifying Christians who are clearly kind to all?

Clearly "Anatomy of Evil" should have included an analysis of your damaged brain.

So much for "Do not judge" Mr. Do Not Judge.

Here is what the Lord you supposedly love says, Ian:

"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

"First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. 4They will say, "Where is this 'coming' he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation." But they deliberately forget that long ago by God's word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water. 6By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. 7By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men. But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness." - 2 Peter 3:9-13

"Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all. It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all." - Luke 17:26-29

"Dear friends, this is now my second letter to you. I have written both of them as reminders to stimulate you to wholesome thinking. I want you to recall the words spoken in the past by the holy prophets and the command given by our Lord and Savior through your apostles.

"mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them." - 2 Timothy 3:1-5

Oh what an extremist Jesus was! Aren't we Christians just oh so dangerous you hypocrite?

10:54 P.M. Update: Ian asked the author of Anatomy of Evil, "Is there a prophylactic response, if you will" to prevent evil. How about obeying God and teaching kids to obey him, self-called proclaimed "Christian" Ian?

10:57 P.M.: Ian says Michael Baigent's new book should be called "Holy Smokes". God you're just so funny and clever Ian.

11:18 Update: Ian said to Michael Baigent: "If some of the new testament writers were with us today... what they might say about [how] what they wrote... when they were writing something to encourage and do whatever... people... are making a set of in stone beliefs."

It was hard to write down Ian's ramblings but that is the order of the words of his idiotic rant. Clearly this is a stupid man who pretends to care about the "new testament" writers said, but doesn't take them seriously, and twists what they so that it comes out as, "Well in our opinion, Jesus might be God, there's no Hell, he was joking and so were we when we talked about Hell, we were just giving you a jokey scare, don't take us seriously, even when we say not to lie, steal, murder, commit adultery, and to obey your parents, just do what you feel like and have a good time." Is that it Ian? Is that what the Bible says?

You're religious degree is as worthless as your babbling mind. Stop slandering you evil idiot.

And Michael Baigent said:

"The fundamentalist Christians believe that their Messiah will convert all the Jews to Christianity, and it gets even worse than that..." OH HOW EVIL FOR CHRISTIANS TO BELIEVE THE "NEW TESTAMENT WRITERS OF THE BIBLE".

How horrible for Christians to believe that Jesus would cause the Jews to obey, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart" and "Love your neighbor as yourself" and to worship the Messiah that they say is to come to Earth one day. Baigent you're an idiot who tries to vilify the good that has been in plain sight for hundreds of years. Stop pretending to be Christopher Columbus and pretending to be wise.

Update: 11:29 P.M.: Ian said, "We've got to stop this from happening. Tomorrow is too late." Stop what from happening you idiot? OOOoooooo we must stop the extremist Christians from making a red cow and giving it to the Judaics who want it! Oooooo we must stop the extremist Muslims from being extreme! You stupid raving witch hunter. And if you hadn't noticed already moron, America doesn't want to keep spending it's time fighting exploding morons in Iraq and Afghanistan. The hateful, extremist, fundamentalist is you. Stop war-mongering.

George Noor, Atheist-Hater, Shows His Hate For God

When a caller called in at 12:15 P.M. tonight, he asked George if he could quote the Bible (to give his opinion on his UFO experiences), George replied, "Well, we don't take quotes from the Bible." This is the same George that said atheists were evil.

12:21 Update:

George said that after having a sound sleep he sometimes hears his doorbell, and has gone outside to see if anyone had pressed it, but finds no one around. Demons anyone? I wonder why demons would be attracted to George.

12:23 Update:

George claims that he's seen shadow "rats" "with antenna" that move across the road.

May God save him.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Bill Oreilly, False Conservative and Witch

"In the end Karama will deal with this people [extremeists]." - June 2007, Billy Oreilly, a bad-tempered conservative extremist, condemning Michael Savage and others.

Bill: Since when do conservatives believe in "Karma"? And do you plan on retracting that Karma was capitalized either, as if it were God? It's not a person, let alone a god. You are evil, as are all "conservatives" who place themselves above God's will.\

And stop throwing around the word "extremist" on whoever you hate, and pretending "extreme" simply means "Evil". "Extreme" the way you use it to condemn others, means, "to go beyond what is right", and it describes you.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

To Jessie: On Judgment

Part of judging is deciding; it's required for determining what you are sensing. Even the word "determine" is a synonym for decide too, which starts to show how judging is required for living a peaceful and useful life. At least judgment is required for thoughts beyond simply sensing something and wondering it is what you are sensing. In other words if you see a ball, but don't recognize it, you may feel curiosity as to what the ball is, but unless you start making judgments or a judgment (determining), you'll just wonder what the ball is till you lose interest in it.

So, you're actually judging all the time as is obvious from knowing humans, since humans are always trying to figure out things, but sadly, usually not wanting to figure out what is truly good or evil, because deep inside, they hate the truth, because it condemns them, figuratively speaking, it judges them, and people are addicted to doing wrong, to living life their way in spite of knowing they are doing wrong.

What you seem to at least partly mean by saying that you don't judge is that you don't condemn anyone for their moral beliefs, but that's wrong since people who say they don't condemn people who DO condemn others who DO condemn others for what they believe to be wrong moral beliefs. And think about that, isn't that a massive irony since you're then indirectly saying, "You may not tell anyone when they are doing moral wrong even if you believe you are supposed to or if that's part of your religion, if you do, then I condemn you your morality or religion." So you do condemn / "judge", and more ironically, you condemn most of the world and yourself without realizing it since everyone, including you as I just pointed out, condemn what they believe to be moral wrong. And what you believe to be morally wrong, is what you say is wrong! I'm not yelling by putting the exclamation mark, just pointing out more clearly the irony.

So what you should say, so that there is no confusion, which leads to strife, is, "I condemn those who condemn what they believe to be morally wrong." And again, that would mean, you condemn yourself, whether you realize it or not.

Another thing which you know, at least to a vague degree, is that being condemned is humiliating, it hurts your feelings, and I also know that people who say they don't condemn / "judge", say that because they have been deeply hurt from being directly or indirectly condemned, and seeing that their friends don't like to be condemned either, or hoping to make friends or more friends or to keep the ones you have, you warn them that you do not like to be morally judged, and will "love" them back in the same way (so long as they don't condemn you.) But as you've probably realized by now, if you've read up to this point and understood me, such a life style leads to co called "chaos" and confusion (and ironically, given enough time and socializing with people: to more condemnation when arguments break out, and sometimes arguments over the impossible philosophy of "never condemn" itself.)

I've said all this to you out of kindness and love, not at all to hurt your feelings, and if it hurts your feelings well you're rejecting my kindness then, and would be condemning me for not good reason. I say that not because I'm assuming that you're easily offended, but in case you are.

So, I hope you embrace judging soon without feeling even a hint of guilt when others try and make you feeling guilty for it.

Judging is necessary for learning the truth, and you have the right to learn the truth. Only God has the right to keep you from knowing it, but till the day he commands you to not learn or remember it, it's your right. I hope you don't condemn me for these beliefs, or show your condemnation by ignoring me.

I hope my love never leaves you.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Chatroom Added

For anyone wanting to chat to other users on this site or other sites of mine, try the chatroom on the bottom.

Jim Villaniccu Says He Was An Idiot, George Promotes Bad Intentions

Two days ago top radio show host babbler in Albuquerque, Jim Villanuci said, "I was an idiot in January, I thought he [Obama] was a moderate." No Jim you're still an idiot for the same reason you were still an idiot in January: you assume, and worse, call those who speak out against your assumptions, "nuts". And yesterday he spoke out against mandatory swine flu vaccinations, yet said he didn't want to be a "kook" by saying vaccines were bad. At one point Jim joked about his side kick "Billy" trying to get on another radio show, Billy seemingly joked back saying, "Anything to get a little respect." I could tell he was serious however, as Jim often insults him.

And about tonight or rather early this morning, George Noory promoted bad science, and a false scientist called Lynne McTaggart, who at the moment is spreading on-the-fly nonsense on Coast to Coast. One of the things she claims is that there are "intention masters" and that your intentions alone (in other words wishing for something) can cause our wish to come true, and that the more people who wish the same thing, the more likely it will happen. That's obviously wrong since people strongly wish for things all the time, like for someone to love them, and it fails to happen. It just occurred to me that her science is as bad as the evil Arminian Pentecostal / "Evangelical" "just have enough faith" heresy, only Lynne's is non-Christian version which includes using prayer. She also uses the wishes of Christians coming true via prayer as evidence that her claims are true. One clear problem with her using prayer is that intention / wishing is not prayer itself, but rather a necessary component for prayer, and it isn't the intent itself as to why the prayer works, but what the intent is, who you're praying too, if the person you are praying to can fulfill your wishes, and if the person you are praying to wants to fulfill your wish. For example God will not go against his own will, and will only fulfill a wish that is in accordance with his will. On top of that, if you have a prayer fulfilled, it may not have been because you ask him to fulfill it, but because he had a different reason in mind for fulfilling it other than directly pleasing you. Lynn also said that you can call some force she calls "the Field" "God... as long as you don't think of it as some man on a cloud judging you," (nah she's not an anti-Christian bigot at all) to which George Noory replied, "Absolutely." Clearly George is no longer a Catholic as he was raised to be.

On an August 25 show on Coast to Coast AM, guest Philip Imbrogno made this nonsensical statement, "Humans have this problem, they try to categorize everything." No categorization is not a problem, it's what minds do in order to understand how to refer to a thing and how to treat it. For example you categorize a man as a woman then you will possibly treat them wrong, for example if the man is not gay, and neither are you, and ask to marry him in your confusion, think that he is a woman. You could also confuse others by your wrong categorization, wasting their time or even getting them hurt. Another obvious example is if you categorized a knife as a spoon, and decide to use the knife as a spoon, you could end up dead from having cut your tongue.

About three days ago Michael Savage, while hosting his Savage Nation radio show had a man call in who said that his dad or grandfather had also been banned from Britain, after which Michael said, "So I wasn't the only hero to be banned..." but quickly corrected himself after realizing his severe narcissistic mistake, and then said, "patriot" was a better description. Despite that bad mistake callers still praised him. What an evil man, who after praising himself despite insulting God whom he pretends to defend, calls himself a hero, yet condemns President Obama for being a narcissist and radio show hosts like Rush Limbaugh. If only there were good men more prominent then these evil babblers who could shut them up by publicly refuting them.

Monday, August 31, 2009

False Conservative Mark Davis Needs A Massive Whack On the Crotch

According to the annoying-voiced radio show babbler Mark Davis, "I would kick 9/11 Truthers in the crotch if I could" and that he would only listen to their evidence if "even half of structural engineers come forward" to support the movement. He also said that they had no business using "9/11" and "truth" in the same sentence.

Well don't you know Mark the Truth-hater that truth is determined by consensus and is not truth if it after eight years not more than half support the truth it? Common Sense Wrong. Using your anti-Christian logic, Darwinian evolution must be false and anti-9/11 Truthers must be wrong since you've still not come up with any evidence, let alone scientific evidence, to refute ours. You're own evil logic has refuted itself.

And if you and other bigots won't listen to the less than half of engineers supporting 9/11 Truth, than what is it you are angry about them saying? How can you know the evidence they have is wrong if you won't listen? And so good science is to reject any hypothesis because it's not supported "by even half" of whoever is in the field to judge the hypothesis when it's created? What an anti-scientific moron you are. It's because of stupid, babbling, narcissist, anti-God, anti-truth idiots like you that the sciences of the world are stagnating.

If it were you idiot then all kinds of lies would have been perpetuated from the beginning of time, like that LYING is good as long as no one is hurt, idiot. And of course liars, being liars, define "hurt" however they want, just like you, liar.

You're an annoying-voiced hypocrite who insulted kids, female, military service men and women, those who lost their relatives in 9/11, military service men and women and the growing number of structural engineers who support the 9/11 Truth Movement.

And Mr. It's Wrong to Bully and Obfuscate - or should I call you, Mr. Blacks Are Subhumans Because Most Evolutionary Scientists Agreed They Were - do you really think that threatening to kick people in the crotch encourages free speech, let alone truthful free speech? Could it be that it's because of violent-mouthed threatening psychos like yourself that chill free speech, that after eight years not half of structural engineers have supposedly not supported the 9/11 Truth Movement?

And what business do you have judging anyone who is religious, like you did Catholics today, when you use weasel phrases like, 'I oppose indoctrination' to subliminally bias people against religion? Do you know what indoctrination means?

Your no libertarian and you're no conservative; you're sick.

To Calvinists: Does God Predestine Anyone To Hell?

I don't like the label "Hyper Calvinist". It's puke and reminds me of "spaz" atheists. So don't call me one after reading this.

Who agrees that God destines everything, including who goes to Hell? I believe that it is illogical and unbiblical (and makes Calvinists look stupid) to claim that God doesn't destine anyone to Hell when it's claimed that he is the one who is required to save you. Further, think of it this way: does God do anything without knowing the result? Doesn't God know the result of his action of inaction? Is God the one who decides what will happen or is he not all-knowing? Are there things God is unsure of? Is God only sure of what will happen to a person he intends to save? Further, why wouldn't God destine someone to Hell when he hardens a person's heart so that they WON'T do good? Why cut it short at destining someone to Hell if he chooses what sins a person will commit indirectly? Again:

How can anyone say, "God doesn't destine anyone to Hell," when he is in control of everything either directly or indirectly and knows the future perfectly and his turning our hearts to him for forgiveness is required for us to be saved from Hell?

I hope that any Calvinists who claim God doesn't destine anyone to Hell or who says, "Well I don't know" will stop, and admit the truth so that we aren't seen as insane idiots anymore by Christians and Arminiests, who use that illogical fudging to turn or keep people away from the only way to eternal peace. It's not enough to unifiy under the name "Calvinist" anymore than it was enough to unify under the name "Christian": We must get our gospel straight and stop spreading Hellish confusion and stop pandering and giving Arminiansts room in the Church to spread their deception.

And just what is the problem with saying that God destines anyone to Hell? Everyone knows that false and non-Christians are arbitrary with their condemnation of God anyways, they say, "He's always angry" and hateful for sending anyone to Hell except Satan and the demons that follow him, or that he's always allowing the innocent to suffer (and ironically they unkowingly include "Christians" under 'innocent', sometimes).

There ar already the "blinded" and "hardened" verses and the punishment verses, so what does it matter if we acknowledge that God does destine people to Hell as well? They already say he is mean when about none of us bring that point up and rarely!

This denying that God destines anyone to Hell allows millions of Arminiests, whether they call themselves or not, to disguise themselves as one of us. How? Because in their confused minds they think that so long as they wet say that God doesn't destine anyone to Hell that a person can be saved by their own goodness, and if that is true, then God doesn't need to destine anyone to get eternal life, and if he doesn't need to, then he doesn't. If that's not how they reason then why else would they divide from Calvinists on that point above the others they differ from us on? Why else would they always be babbling about how man has a free will and how God gave us a free will? Their denial that God destines anyone to Hell above destining anyone at all combined with their endless trumping of "free will" and not God's show how they think. We Calvinists must not give them weasel room anymore and must let the falling away occur, and it will occur when we shut the door to their lies. The longer we allow their foot in the door on this issue, the more people they will deceive and the worse the condemnation of those going to Hell will be. It's better for the world to revert back to idolatry as Revelation seems to imply will happen, than people continually drawing near to Christ under the false idea that they can earn their way into Heaven or just by saying, "I accept Jesus into my heart," and ask for forgiveness again and again when they sin and or just doing some good deeds.

Another problem withing denying or hiding that we believe God destines anyone to Hell is that it makes it harder to distinguish a true from a false Christian. The Pentecostal churches are infested with fakes in part, because of true Christians pandering to the fakes and denominations similar to ours, like the Methodists appear to be "as Christian" as us. So, for those Calvinists who keep giving ground to the enemy, stop: draw the line clearly in the sand and stay there.D

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Crooks, Liars, and Master Accuser John Amato and Mentally Ill Daughter Abbywood Can't Hide Their Hatred for Science and Truth

Here's a late pathetic attempt by John Amato to look oh so macho, pro-science, and pro-life,by persecuting the 'stupid pathetic sheep' (in other words, "Dumb", "weak" [and harmless] Christians):

John Amato: Oh, no.., What will the Dinosaurs think? The pro-birth anti-evolution Christian evangelism movement just suffered a horrible blow.

Oh no..., could you be keyword spamming you moron anti-child, pro-murder, anti-science Liberal evangelism movement which repeatedly suffers horrible blows to its fat beaten bitter target of a head? Spammer much? What is, "...,"? So you're what liberal baby-haters consider a top blogger? *Laughs*.

And why are you asking what dinosaurs would think? How is that funny? Where's the punchline idiot? Insane much? Terrorists a.k.a. "bombers" (lol) have nothing on you.

Let's see more of your cheap keyword spam:

John Amato: "A federal judge has cleared the way for the government's seizure of a creationism theme park in Pensacola owned by a couple convicted of tax fraud."

Woah you said, "cleared the way," you must be pro.

John Amato: "A ruling by U.S. District Judge Casey Rodgers states that the nine properties that make up Dinosaur Adventure Land as well as two bank accounts associated with the park will be used to satisfy $430,400 owed to the federal government."

Oh you love that word satisfy don't you. You look pretty satisfied. I doubt you'll be modeling for any slim fast commercials anytime soon unless you decide to share some of that fat with the needy you pretend to care about.

John Amato: "Kent Hovind, who founded the park and a ministry, Creation Science Evangelism, is serving 10 years in federal prison for failing to pay the Internal Revenue Service more than $470,000 in employee taxes."

Grrrr John, he "failed" grrrr. Oh that "failure". What a dumb, cheap weasel-wording, conniving hypocrite you are. The failure is you John: you repeatedly fail God's tests and repeatedly break his commandments and your own hypocritical, arbitrary, convenient standards.

John Amato: "He was found guilty in November 2006 on 58 counts, including failure to pay employee taxes and making threats against investigators."

"For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Have fun on Judgment Day.

John Amato: "The conviction culminated 17 years of Hovind sparring with the IRS."

You must be smart because you said, "culminated" and "sparring". Well I'm just going to believe whatever you now. Not.

John Amato: "Saying he was employed by God and his ministers were not subject to payroll taxes, he claimed no income or property."

This is a sentence? Can you show us your source for this nonsense John the Top Babbler? Talk about "cheap".

John Amato: "Hovind is incarcerated at the Edgefield Federal Correction Institution in South Carolina."

Isn't that a place filled with your liberal friends? Something tells me it's not fundamentalists.

John Amato: "They lie about their dirty dealings"

Who lies stupid? The liberals filling up all the prisons of the world let alone Edgefield Federal Correction Institution? Oh did yo mean Obama and his liberal army who gave trillions of dollars to the rich that he pretends to be against? The same Obama you support who won't show his birth certificate who spent millions to keep it hidden? That "pro-poor" Honest Obama? And can you back this up with evidence and not your mere word or mere claims from a government you pretend is always wrong? And what was that about "dirty"? Wow so you believes in sin? Thanks for acknowledging the existence of God stupid. And the "major blow" to you is this one incident lol? The church isn't composed of 100 people you moron, it's 60+ million not counting angels or the Christian in Heaven awaiting vengeance on morons like you. And the great "dirty" sin to you is this one incident out of countless good deeds which you deliberately ignore both from Christians and God, the source of their good deeds? Why so bitter you fault-finding oaf? Why so bitter at God fat head who can't stop making a fool of himself, who can't stop thinking sick tormenting thoughts of revenge on Christian kids? Oh. That's still not an excuse to hate God. Talk about negative and cheap shots eh? "But, but, but you called me fat head!" Cheap-shot barfs what?

John Amato: "now is in trouble."

*Yawn*. What about trouble fat head babbler? Fat head you think that's trouble? Fat head don't you remember what Jesus suffered at the hands of truth-hating brutes like you? Don't you remember he suffered an eternity of Hell for the countless sins of dozens of millions of people, and that that eternity of suffering was compressed into three days? Did you forget the mass murder of 12+ million Christians, including Christian kids and babies by your liberal pagan friends, including by atheists? And why are you and your atheist friends such massive control freaks, forcing their atheism on others who are minding their own business in their own homes. And besides spending their time not minding their own business by bulldozing homes for being used to worship God, your atheist friends even commit mass murder, while you and they accuse "weak", "stupid", "harmless", Christians as being "bashers" who try to force things on you. Well if you can use murder, we can preach with force you hypocrite. You strain at a gnat you camel, and blow a trumpet when you find one, wasting everyone's time.

"It is a dreadful thing to fall into
the hands of the living God."
Hebrews 10:31

"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked.
A man reaps what he sows."
Galatians 6:7

"You hate all who do wrong."
Psalm 5:5

"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but
cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One
who can destroy both soul and body in hell."
Matthew 10:28

You don't know "trouble" John,

John Amato: "Hang on, it's time to call in the Flying Spaghetti Monster. It can help us!"

Har har har that's just such clever humor. Not. Why would Christians call on your imaginary childish cartoon god? It compares to God how? I hear crickets. God repeatedly cuts you with his best selling book while at the same time using it to bring peace all over the world, and exposing the malicious murderous hate within your anti-truth group for over 2000 years, always the center of your attention for "ruining" your lives, and you think that compares to your baby joke? What a gluttonous idiot. I can see why you're obsessed with flying, Spaghetti, and monsters, being that you must get exhausted weighted down by so much "excess" all day and see your reflection when you come near shiny spoons and mirrors and the cracked-smile faces of your bitter-faced friends all day long.

Johnny The Hypocrite Amato (checking for left over bread crumbs?)

One of John's psycho liberal (yes that's redundant) friends

And hypocrite, why do you support the Darwinist government when it persecutes "weak", "stupid", "pathetic" sheep, but not when it attacks your either obese or anorexic, truth-hating, liberal friends? Arbitrary much? Contradictory and schizophrenic much?

And who is us stupid? Why would you be calling the imaginary baby cartoon for help if you didn't say you're the one being persecuted? Confused much? Or did you mean that your belly still wasn't satisfied with the government you despise repeatedly breaking the separation of church and state law and therefore persecuting Christians for their religious beliefs? You blind, ignorant hypocrite, don't you know that the government isn't allowed to tax churches, nor force someone to go against their sincere religious beliefs? How convenient for you to forget when it comes to Christians you bigot.

John Amato: "Tags: creationism, IRS, Liars, Religious Right, Scandals"

Nah, ur not a keyword spammer at all Mr. Scandals. And don't you know Mr. 700 diggs too late, ban any replies from fundamentalists and then close the "news" article from further comments that it was a scandal before you and your moron friends said anything? What a pathetic, conniving, liar you are.

So that's your "scientific" rebuttal to "young earth" creation science? So that's what you idiot liberals consider science?: To say, "Haha the Right Wing government I say is always wrong rightly persecuted Right Winger citizens [whose good works I can't bear to acknowledge and science I can't be bothered to even read one sentence on (though love to bash in ignorance)) for being government-hating cheats like me!" That's science you dumb oaf, you glutton, you hypocrite?

Hang on! John's Super Spaz, Hyper Strained Cracking Smiles sufferer daughter Abbywood will save us!:

Hawarrrahhhhaaaa!!!!!!!! (Still choking...with!

Bo freakin' zo's!!!!!!!!

Soives em' right!!!!!


Go to college!

ANY college!!! Take ANY class in Paleontology 101 at ANY "reputable" university....


Can't you just smell the intelligence, the genius from his daughter Abbywood? And dont you kow what whatever this demonic moron says is "reputable" is reputable, cuz...

SHE'S ABBYWOOD EVERYONE: THE HYPER SPAZ, IMPULSIVE RANTING HISTORY, SCIENCE, RELIGION AND TRUTH IGNORANT. The bold and capital letters in Abbywood's rant is from her by the way. What a dummy this Abby is, claiming that no Christian college or university is reputable. Wrong moron, look around moron, stop lying in hatred moron. Your feelings and babbling don't make you right moron, let alone hateful lying moron. If no Christian college was reputable moron there would be no modern science moron. It was Christians who started modern science moron, and before that, God moron. Read the Bible moron, and study history moron, and stop being a gullible moron and believing teachers that only say what satifies your lusts moron. It was atheists who tried to destroy scientific progress (read about Galileo moron) and who in their greed, petty jealousy and hatred of God continue to hinder scientific progress so much so that after 40 years since the "first" moon landing the Darwinist morons at NASA still have the world cut off from the moon, let alone Mars and Darwinist morons after 18 years are still selling and prescribing anti-depression pills that cause you to commit suicide, and Darwinist morons are still pretending the paleontological record shows a linear column of transitional fossils leading up to humans and wasting everyone's time and money, billions of hours and billions of dollars, repeating this lie, a lie which was known to be false by Darwin himself, billions of hours and billions of dollars on the lie that the Big Bombed Theory is backed by dark energy and gravitation waves, neither of which has been found (though you Darwinist morons pretend otherwise for more lazy money). Oh and any cure for any diseases yet Darwinists? What? Not even for AIDS? Maybe if you stopped wasting our time telling us we're dumb monkeys like you.

Was that clear enough moron? How many more times do you have to be called a moron before you realize you're an ultra moron, an ultra bigot and an ultra ignorant? Are you done choking and crying over someone who does good being persecuted, over lying and the murder of babies as long as it's your God-hating side that does it (you God-hating hypocrite?). Where is your self-control dummy? How is your mocking a babble proof of anything? How is it science stupid? Dur? Blind to the utter obvious much? And are you choking and crying tears of joy when a Christian does good? When a Christian freely gives his money to Christians and non-Christians who are needy, and when they do physical work to help them survive and prosper, even risking their lives and suffering years of unjust torture and murder to do so? Do you rejoice when Christians minding their own business worshiping in their own homes are robbed, sodomized or raped in front of others including other family members, regardless of their age or sex, or tortured for years or murdered for it? Do you rejoice over that too, stupid Abby? Why are you so full of hate Abby? What's wrong: can't force the millions of successful Christians to worship you and your feelings and tell you you're right no matter what stupidity comes out your mouth? Poor baby. We already have a God, and he's not a hyper spaz like you Abby, doesn't rejoice over the hurt of others Abby, doesn't show favoritism like you Abby, isn't partial like you Abby, won't call himself "she" because you pretend to love equality Abby, won't lie Abby. That is why you hate Him Abby.

The crooks and liars are you anti-Christians, anti-baby, anti-good, anti-truth accusers, who accuse others of being evil like you, because you are evil.

Poor anti-Christian whining babies: as usual, being ignorant of science, they don't comment on it, and so resort to mere, "Nanny nanny boo boo you broke an imaginary law (which we break all the time too!)" Yes you hypocrite crooks and liars, YOU BREAK IRS TAX LAW ALL THE TIME. How could you forget that you blind bigoted self-righteous biased hypocrites? Ooops? So then your own hatred backfires on you, so then Darwinism must be false because you steal and lie all the time! YOU STUPID BLIND HYPOCRITES: HOW CAN YOU EVER WIN WITH MERE MOCKER YOU MORONS? HOW IS BASHING YOUR MERE FEELINGS SCIENCE? YOUR FEELINGS DON'T EQUAL TRUTH YOU IDIOTS, LOOK UP THE WORD TRUTH YOU IDIOTS. God you anti-Christians are massively stupid hypocrites.

All they can do is mock and use false "sins" to accuse others of sin, meanwhile they sin all the time and demand not to be judged for it! HYPOCRITES! They strain at a gnat and swallow a camel, straining to find a "sin" in the wind to dote on and play up, because they are unable to refute the clear goodness of Christ and those who follow him, the clear goodness of:

"Love your neighbor as yourself",

(and we Christians know you that you especially hate that last one).

And what happened to those two verses you love to quote you hypocrites? "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" and "Do not judge." YOU HYPOCRITES. Why do those verses only apply to you? INSECURE BITTER WHINING BABY BIGOTS MUCH?

Can't you obey Christ whom you quote and take out of context to suit your sins?

Friday, August 28, 2009

Imaginary Ancient Big Bomb Believer Bigot Jim Villanuci and Darwinist Friends Refuted

According to the KKOB radio show host Jim Villanuci, who said repeatedly today that he doesn't care [about the truth], there are no Christian scientists who believe in a "young" earth (6500 is old young?), and anyone who believes in a young earth can't perform science at all and can't understand anything correctly because they don't listen to the facts, and merely explain everything with, "Jesus did it," or "angels did it". Is that why I'm repeating what you said and refuting it, again?

Where bigot, in this refutation of your ranting, and your ranting anti-Christian callers, have I said anything like that or an earlier one refuting your claim that we must have sex with a person to know if they are gay or straight?

Do you have the patience to read less than a few pages, if not, how can you claim to know what you are talking about when it comes to "young earthers" let alone Christians, science, evolution or the big imaginary bomb no one ever saw from billions and billions of years ago?):

Christians are scientists too, and not merely because I said so. You don't you know history and don't care to know it, and don't know what's going on around you accurately either, and don't want to, that is why in large part you are ignorant. Don't you know that Galileo, Copernicus and Euler were all Christians, and that atheists tried to shut them up using other Christians? No doubt, you being an ignorant mocker, if I hadn't added that last part you would have said, "Yeah and look what the Christians did to them." In addition to that Catholics are false Christians, so big surprise they would turn on their own at the request of atheists. Further, there are two recent polls that show about half of all scientists are religious as in believing in the supernatural, and CHEMISTS especially believe in God (gee can you figure out why CHEMISTS would especially believe in God? Could it be because they not only see the macro design in the universe, but also see the micro design which you stupidly ignore?)

Yet you pretend their are no young earth Christian scientists let alone religious ones, and that we all say, "Jesus did it," or "It looks young" or stupid things like that, which idiots like you actually say with, "But Darwin said so," "It evolved," "Oil is old," "Fission wouldn't work." You google "Evidence against young earth" or "creationism" and believe whatever so called scientific evidence there is against it. What a simpleton. Study Jim, don't just have faith.

Ironically, it's by your bigoted sarcastic statements like, "Jesus did it," or "The Grand Canyon looks young to me," and, "Evolution did it,", "The Big Bang did it", "Dinosaurs died a long time ago and did it", "The Hubble saw it," which shows that you are the one who reasons be feelings. It's you who don't believe in science and you who don't know what science is. Science is not, "It looks old to me so it must be old," or "Darwin did it" (to use your stupid bigoted sarcasm) or "evolution did it." Further, how in the Hell genius, would you figure out the Grand Canyon is very old let alone old from just looking at it? What the Hell? Can you explain that bizarre reasoning? No, you were brainwashed with endless propaganda that you in your gullibility bought into. You were repeatedly taught "this is clearly old" and so you think that way. Further, what the Hell scientist even says you can judge that a rock is old just be looking at it? Stupid. And can you show that any young earth CALVINIST (not some idiot Christian, a false one) doesn't believe in science? The father of microbiology was a Calvinist "young earther" you parrot.

You clearly don't understand what Young Earth geology is about, it's not simply, "The Earth is about 6000 years old" (it's a little older than that actually) and it's not about "Jesus lived with the dinosaurs".

You also don't understand nuclear power. Also the two caller that said it's a matter of faith and non-reason made no sense, unless he meant that old earth geology is non-reason, which would only be figurative. Regardless it was poorly worded and sounded stupid. The woman who mentioned the Christian that said it's just a faith issue was talking about a stupid Christian then, further she herself was ignorant and stupid since she said that young earther's explanation about why carbon dating isn't accurate is complicated, because IT'S NOT complicated, it this simple: Carbon dating has been repeatedly shown to be inaccurate. It's also got nothing to do with nuclear power, you obviously don't know physics very well. Carbon dating is only accurate to about 5000 years, when it's used to measure things beyond that it's wildy inaccurate and what Darwinists / evolutionist SCIENTISTS do is arbitrarily choose the dates that match their dating theories. If it doesn't fit, they dismiss it or won't even mention it.

Also the Hubble has not revealed the universe to be billions of years old, again it has to do with how the data is interpreted, and Darwinist / evolutionist scientist interpret in such a way that it fits evolutionary theory, it's circular reasoning.

Further, you clearly don't know much about evolution even, since you would have known that every informed "young earther" knows to reject carbon dating for the reasons I stated, if you were knowledgeable, you would have referred to other radiometric dating methods (which have also been shown to be inaccurate).

As for Wikipedia being good, no it's not at all, you think it's good because it says things that match your uniformed beliefs. What they do is repeatedly and instantly ban "young earthers" not listening to their arguments and merely stating that websites like and other young earth sites are not reliable. They also are against TRUTH. Yes, you heard it right, THEY ARE NOT FOR TRUTH. They will literally tell people like me, when I use a logical argument that Wikipedia is NOT ABOUT TRUTH but rather references. And they will ban you for trying to speak the truths IF it cuts the foundation of atheism or doubt of Christianity. They don't just ban anyone for speaking a religious truth obviously, but that which would leave atheism and anti-Christian skepticism hanging in the wind with nothing to support it. They also obviously wouldn't want themselves to have been shown to have been gullible for over 100 years, as that would be a devastating blow to their own faith, and then where would they turn? They'd have to be agnostic or witches.

Further, no true Christian simply says, "God said it so I believe it" as anti-Christians love to say. We don't think that way, in fact the Bible commands us to have evidence for our beliefs, and says not to be a simpleton, there is a verse that literally says not to be that way, and not to simply believe whatever you hear. It also says to test those who claim to be Christians to see if they are telling the truth about being a Christian.

On top of that, there are many non-Christian physicists who are opposed to the teaching of the Big Bang AND ASTRONOMERS, and some are nominal Christians, simply believing the Bible to be true to a degree. There is not a consensus, and even if there was, you can't vote something to be true or feel it into being true, so your comment "you can believe whatever you want to make yourself feel good" and about you living in reality and not us, is something which applies to you. Further, I study issues regarding truth and reality as do all Christians, but I spend my life doing so, so if anyone is going to know what is real or not and what truth is it would be me, not you, who merely talks about politics all day and avoids getting deep into philosophical and religious matters. Sure you mention religion now and then and how people should be free to have their own religion, but you don't go much further than that, you don't get into critical analysis for the basis of religion beyond you belief that Christians merely feel he exists (no that's not all there is to it).

As for how oiled formed, all you did was read a statement claiming how oil was made, you didn't give any scientific evidence for it. Also, it's been a long time that that theory has been shown to be BASELESS. So you just read a statement that is based on a theory that was shown to be in dispute for many years. That shows how out of touch you are with modern scientific findings let alone old ones, including old ones that are still true which you are clueless about.

Now, if you want data, scientific data backing up what I said, and about their being no evidence for the Big Bang and no consensus:

No consensus, Darwinists ban and libel young earth creationists AND Intelligent Design OLD earth creationists (showing how intolerant they are and arbitrary and that it's about their hate for God, not "pseudoscience" as they pretend)

1) Ben Stein's: Expelled (which shows that Darwinists ban scientists to make it look like there is a consensus against Darwinism)
5) (don't you love how this book shows your "scientists" cover up geological and archeological findings in the name of science and for prestige and more money?)
6) Further, there were many "young earth" scientists
and there still are, and the first ones were the human basis
for modern science (now twisted by evolutionists):

Clearly these are not scientists/Christians who say, "Jesus made the oil the end."

Oil wasn't made millions of years ago or by dinosaurs:


Starlight doesn't show the universe is billions or millions of years old:


The distance of objects in space has been in dispute for many years Jim. But you Jim, were gullible, you were deliberately ignorant even though you KNEW there is mass propaganda of all kinds. You imply "young earth" creationism is mass propaganda (why else would you say it scares you?) yet it never occurred to you that Darwinists were lying in any way, not even for money? So who's the stupid gullible simpleton? Hint for you skeptic Jim: Don't skeptics (who are nearly all Darwinists) always whine about how there can't be aliens here from other planets because the distance they would have to travel requires an "insane" amount of energy? Hint hint Jim, aliens are clearly still coming and are sighted all the time. Can you take the hint? MAYBE THE STARS AND GALAXIES AREN'T BILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF LIGHT YEARS AWAY AS DARWINISTS CLAIM? Super duh? Ultra duh? Massive duh? Big circular reasoning duh? Circular reasoning check Jim: "The stars must be billions of years old because they are billions of light years away, and they are billions of lights away, and they are billions of light years away because scientists said so, and there are no 'young earthers' scientists who say the opposite because I Jim said so, and I'm right because scientists said so, and scientists are right because I said so." Is that science Jim? That's your science Jim, not the science of true Christians.

There was no billions of years old big bomb that no one ever saw and never will that they just must believe in to be real scientists, cuz you anti-Christians said so:

7) The Cult of the Big Bang
8) (is this physicist "insane" Jim? Can you show us why Mr. Physicist Expert Jim Villanuci?)
9) (is this physicist "insane" too Jim? Can you show us why Mr. Physicist Expert Jim Villanuci?)
10) (is a creationist website Jim?)
11) (is a creationist website Jim?)
12) (is sciencedaily a creationist website Jim?)
13) (is a creationist website Jim?)
14) And what were you saying about Hubble Jim, as if you understood his scientific teachings or knew them? Was he and Einstein "dumb nuts" and "young earthers" too Jim?

Yet the true "dumb nuts" like you continue to claim INVISIBLE MATTER is everywhere and is evidence of the Big Bang. WHAT DARK MATTER JIM? OUR DARWINIST SCIENTISTS ARE SAYING IT'S NOT THERE, AND BIG SURPRISE SINCE IT'S INVISIBLE. WHY DO YOU BELIEVE IN WHAT IN INVISIBLE MATTER FOR WHICH THERE IS NO INDIRECT EVIDENCE JIM WHILE MOCKING CHRISTIANS FOR BELIEVING IN GOD WHO TO THOSE ON EARTH IS PURPOSELY INVISIBLE AND FOR WHOM THERE IS COUNTLESS EVIDENCE FOR, AS I'VE PARTIALLY SHOWN HERE? What's wrong with that picture you've given us Jim? Isn't the one who "believe[s] fairies run your engine" you, the guy who believes in invisible matter that no one can detect and in your ignorance keep claiming all scientists say is there?

"Old-earth" radiometric dating is arbitrary and flawed and one form shows the universe is "young" (though 6500 years old is hardly young compared to the age of the oldest humans):

5) Creation's Tiny Mystery

Man did live and still does live with dinosaurs you idiot.

"Jesus lived with the dinosaurs" you said in sarcasm. MORON: DARWINISTS SAY HUMANS LIVED WITH DINOSAURS AND HAVE BEEN SAYING SO FROM THE BEGINNING YOU IDIOT. IT WAS ONLY RECENTLY THAT NORONS LIKE YOU, IGNORANT OF DARWINIST EVOLUTIONARY THEORY STARTED COMING UP WITH NONSENSE LIKE THAT, WHICH DARWINIST SCIENTISTS STILL DON'T USE YOU IDIOT. What they say moron, is that Noah's Ark is absurd, and for those who are more clever, they say it's also a contradictory story. You're so dumb you can't even be bothered to learn the precious theory of your heros correctly. That's how careless you are with the truth. On top of that moron, who in the Hell said dinosaurs were all dead, or that they all magically died when the first "Homo sapien" appeared? Do you know what living fossils are? Now that's not a big surprise you wouldn't though still is hardly excusable since Darwinist mention them now and then, and of course not to often SINCE THE EXISTENCE OF SUCH CREATURES REFUTE EVOLUTION. Here Jim, more easy work for you that you could have done for yourself:

1) Some are also listed in your precious Wikipedia (is Wikipedia a creationist website Jim?)

And how are you ignorant of dragon sightings and other dinosaur sitings, both ancient and modern? Why are you so unfun that you can't look into such stories? Why didn't the Loch Ness Monster sightings get you to start reading about such sightings? Is everyone who lives around the Loch Ness and all the tourists who have been there, who have seen dinosaurs there "nuts" too Jim? Is everyone nuts who sees what you don't?

And you're so stupid you can't figure out that we wiped out most of the dinosaurs by hunting them down for food, sport, or prestige, or that we burned down their habitat, as Aboriginees in Australia and those living in the Amazon still do today, in order to make the land safer for ourselves and to farm? But no, you think, "A comet did it," "A meteor did it," or "A volcano did it," don't you gullible Jimmy? And of course we just happened to survive while all the dinosaurs magically died or shurnk to the size of birds and mice. Nice stupid simpleton "fairy tale" Jim. Here little Jimmy, here unfun Jimmy, here unimaginative Jimmy, here Magic Meteor Jimmy; more help for your hardly imaginitive, lazy mind, lazy eyes and hands:


And no biased Jim, those aren't all creationist websites; only three are. And even if they were, what matters is if they are true, not, "But those are all Darwinist sites." Even your precious Wikipedia lists cryptids Jim, even they declare them to be "noteworthy" Jim. Even "skeptics", your mentally ill kin, talk about cryptids in Skeptic Magazine, and very often.

And Jim, what happened to mammoths? Don't they count as dinosaurs? Oh, is it because they weren't reptiles? So only reptiles are dangerous? Mammoths were nice huh? And who said reptiles can't be lived near? I think you deluded yourself into thinking that all dinosaurs eat people from all the silly propaganda you were raised on, on those silly dinosaur coloring books, Discovery Channel and Jurassic Park cartoons, and B horror movies. But if only you had paid a little closer attention and put in a little more thought, and realized not all dinosaurs ate flesh you idiot, no dinosaur was said to have eaten humans you idiot, and that Discovery Channel isn't a nonprofit company that shows cartoons because they are just so concerned about teaching you how the entire planet was covered with man-eating Tyrannosaurs. Oh wait, they don't teach that. But you're an idiot who misses the details even when the propaganda is light.

And are Komodo Dragons good enough for you Jim? Do they count as dinosaurs? Duh? Are all the people living near Komodo Dragons dead? No, in fact the Komodo Dragons are the ones who are almost dead, and hardly anyone goes near them except to take a picture.

Your dumb Jim.

Another thing about your Wikipedia, where "the site all you nuts come from":

The long term editors and administrators deliberately try and make alternative scientists look bad regardless of whether or not their theories have been shown to be true, they try to have articles on breakthrough scientists and inventors deleted or made to look silly. You just are ignorant and don't care much about the truth Jim, no offense. You obsess on what you feel is true and believe what merely sounds to be true to you, and don't go further.

Jim, you're being hypocritical: many Darwinist Scientists and non-scientist Darwinists, often simply as you do, say the equivalent of, "It's so," "That's the way it is," "There's [scientific evidence]", and some even say, "Atheist" as their source/reference, referring to themselves. They might as well say, "Me,". You also merely make empty claims backed by mere emotion. You merely claim that oil is formed in such and such way and that's it's millions of years old. That's not evidence let alone scientific evidence. It's no better than your sarcastic stereotypes like,"Jesus made the oil" or "angels make radio waves".

As for your magical scientific evidence, "They all come from the same website" as in "Young Earth Creationists all come from the same website", says who? And what does that even mean? So all "young earthers" contact you via Really? So now it's, "AIG did it!" Jim? That's your new scientific evidence against young earthers? Lame. AIG is staffed by people born from humans raised in many different ways, some who were former atheists or agnostics, not people who were born by a website. "Young Earthers" no more all or mostly come from AIG anymore than Gullibles like yourself all come from Wikipedia (Mr. Wikipedia Referring Jim). AIG refers to scientific evidence from multiple sources, they don't just invent things from a vacuum or say, "The Bible did it," and unlike Wikipedia - which you love and seem to think is evidence in and of itself - does not reject truth in favor of keeping the appearance of truth to suit their feelings.

Further, if we "all c[a]me from the same [web]site," whatever that means, how is that evidence, let alone scientific evidence that "young earth" creationism is wrong? So if "you all" Billions of Years Old Big Bombers came from Wikipedia, TalkOrigins or KKOB that would make you wrong? Well then you must be wrong too; you've contradicted your own arbitrary logic. And oooo, how bad: "They all have an organization, they're all organized," is basically what you said: yeah what a horrible thing Jim, what a sin, gotta really hate ORGANIZATION, cuz ORGANIZATION is so bad, right Mr. Chaos? Why do you chaos believers hate DESIGN, and ORGANIZATION so much? See how illogical your DISORGANIZED CHAOTIC mind is? Your hang ups say some powerful things about your false logic. It's just so bad to make things convenient for you anti-Christians isn't it Jim? If the information was chaotically spread out all over the Internet no doubt your hateful self would then say something like, "They're scatter brained and disorganized." Sorry to make things convenient for you Jim, so sorry to help you out by putting the info all in one place. So evil and unscientific of us. Wait, if that's a sin, why do you love Wikipedia?; yet again your insults backfire. Can't you stop contradicting yourself?

Further, you really don't know Christians or young earth scientists: you said 60+ million Calvinists come from ansswersingenesis. Really? Yes Jim, that's how many "young earth" believers there are. You're truly ignorant. But no, we don't all simply use that website, there are many "young earth" science sites, some of which are linked to the side of my journal and two others I have:

So what was that about us all coming from one site Jim? Is what matters is, "Nanny nanny boo boo you only have one site we have more," or, "It's just a few people," "They're all from one house," "They're all from one apartment complex," "They're all from one block," "They're all from one town," "They're all from one city," "They're all from one state," "They're all from one country," "They're all from one side of the planet," "They're all from one planet," "They're all from one solar system," "They're all from one galaxy," "They're all from one galaxy cluster", "They're all human," "They're all from one universe"? No, what matters is: IS WHAT "THEY" SAY TRUE."

Ironically I met a moron even dumber than you who made fun of Christians for being "lazy" she said, because,"notice" she said, "You have more sites", "MORE" Jim, not "They're all from one site." So which nut arbitrary nut should the world, including us "young earthers" believe Jim? Oh God of Science and Religion Jim, which stupid insult defeats us? They can't be both right since they contradict. Hence, why we don't believe your ranting, because that's all you anti-true Christians do. You anti-true Christians show every hour that you are arbitrary, paranoid, racked with bitterness, and that your morality and logic is backwards. Yes "conservative" Jim, you're better than liberals in that you say Christians should have the right to home-school their children under Christianity, but you err when you discriminate against "young earthers", claiming that we're teaching children "to answer wrong on tests" you said. As you would notice if you bothered to READ FIRST OUR TEACHINGS, rather than putting childish words in our mouth, you bully, you would see WE TEACH YOUR STUPIDITY NECESSARILY, since you idiots won't shut up about it. You moron.

If you or others think I've not read the rebuttals to the sites and specific arguments I showed, you're wrong:

1) There isn't a rebuttal for many arguments against your arguments against the Bible. Can you guess the reason why besides some cheap lie you'd first think like, "We'll because you Christians are just nuts, and you say things that don't make sense"? Hints: THEY ARE TRUE AND CLEARLY TRUE, AND WHO IS GOING TO CHALLENGE ANTI-CHRISTIANS WHEN THEY SAY THE SAME THING AS "YOUNG EARTHERS". Were those hints clear enough?

2) I refuted the rebuttals, for example on Yahoo Answers and on On I refuted a ranting nut like you, only more clever and who actually bothered to at least read what the opposition said, whole books even. I documented it early in my journal here. But what did two Amazon moderators do when I complained about this nut deliberately skewing the ratings of creationist books by repeatedly voting them down, and by repeatedly voting down my replies to him so that they would be hidden, and stalking me?: They deleted not only some of my reviews but dozens of my replies in the comment field to the ranting nut who was clearly stalking me. And what were your Amazon moderator buddies' reason for doing so? The one who bothered to email said it was because what I said was all hateful. Sure. Isn't that just such a good reason to censor replies to a ranting stalker Mr. "Christians Just Say Jesus Did It" Loving Non-Hateful Jim? You hypocrites. Ooops, I shouldn't have said that that's hateful because it hurts your feelings, your loving scientific "Christians are hypocrites for judging right from wrong and have no right to judge others who call themselves Christians or not," feelings. No you didn't literally say that, but you said the equivalent in your ranting one day against a congregation that was judging a former member who was still calling herself a Christian, the same day you said we can only know if someone is gay or straight if we have sex with them. No, ur not nuts and evil at all, not.

And Mr. Jim Pro Science Villanuci, how can there be scientific progress if you slander "young earthers" and misrepresent them and try and block them from being heard? So that's science, to block opposing view points that you can't even be bothered to listen to? So we should just believe whatever you and your Darwinists say is true and ask no questions and never point out any errors we see? It's because of morons like you, Darwinist morons like you, afraid of facing God, that there is gross scientific stagnation and fraud in Darwinist Mainstreamer dominated organizations like Wikipedia, the Smithsonian, NASA, and the U.S. Government in general, the same government you constantly rail against forgetting that it's mostly composed of Darwinists like you.

As usual, you anti-Christians accuse us of what you are guilty of doing, while pretending to be for Christ or neutral, while we really are for Christ, and believe the truth, rather than being neutral.

So is it any wonder that you're stuck below the top 65 radio show hosts in the US? Being a smug, boring, mocker who makes cheap lazy slanderous insults at Christians who spend their time and money helping the poor and needy only gets you so far.

Your the one teaching kids to answer wrong on man's tests, and much worse: wrong on God's tests.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


At about 2 AM I made friends with a cute black duck. Unlike the other ducks I found it with by an apartment, it was much less timid and stayed behind. I decided to seize it and got it by the neck and then lifted up from underneath. It barely struggled and I kissed its head as I took it to my apartment. It was calm in my apartment, pecking and biting at my broken laptop, closed on my floor (I think it thought it was a little puddle since it was black and reflective). It tried out other things to, and got a little noise after a while. It sat on my chest for a while and I could feel it was nervous whenever I stroked its neck, and sometimes it would look behind it when I petted it on its wings, and I could tell it was nervous about me doing that too since it would get noisy. Strangely it didn't want bread, and I remembered a woman by a nearby pond who said she fed them seeds, so I gently got the duck to step off me and got it some seeds to eat. Funnily, when I stopped, and having accidentally dropped some seeds on the floor and near a plastic grocery back, it started pecking at the bag repeatedly and got nothing from it since the seeds fell onto the floor. It was being noisy again so I fed it by hand and after taking some vids of pics of it I let it back outside. I followed it around for a while and it seemed at one point to be sticking around with me. I fed it a little more seeds. Eventually I picked it back up and it seemed to have fun standing on my hands. While walking it back to the pond it turned to lean against my chest and then Simba the black cat saw me and began meowing. Simba hangs around early in the morning near my place and runs to me to be petted on its head. It didn't like that I had a big black duck on my chest, and after petting it a little bit I kept heading for the pond and I face the duck forward and it preened a little. Simba followed me and I put the duck down by a little outside building with lights on its side so that I could pick up and kiss Simba and see how the duck and him would act around each other. When I put Simba back down and went back to the duck, Simba followed me and meowed, and the duck walked to my knees when Simba came near. Then I picked the duck back up and went to the pond but it didn't seem to want to go in so I put it down by the pond. A mallard in the pond broke away from the rest of the ducks when it saw the the black duck with me wasn't running away like the other ducks. Eventually the mallard jumped up onto the ground and darted at the black duck and the black duck came near to me again, and then I ran the mallard back into the pond. I picked up the black duck again and went to an inlet to the pond and sat there with it for a while. The rest of the ducks in the lake, typically cowardly, swam to the other side of the pond nearly, but two parties broke off at two different times, investigating I'm sure as to why the black duck was with me. But eventually both parties joined the rest of the ducks. I was getting pretty depressed because I knew that as soon as I left that the duck would probably forget me, and that it would hardly be good if the duck bonded to me and stayed away from its friends. So, I said goodbye to it and walked away slowly, seeing if it would follow me. It didn't, but I headed back again and it swam up the side of the lack next to me and after a few minutes I touched its beak, and then left. I came back about two hours later and finally found it near to where I had caught it, and it was with some ducks again to my relief. It stayed behind when I videod it, but after about a minutes of looking at me sideways, walked off with its friends.