It's weird because the chemical distribution isn't even throughout the fruit apparently so that you get different flavor concentrations. In one chunk it had a planty taste, in one it had a burnt garlic mixed with sweet onions taste. The first chunk or two tasted like very sweet onions mixed with chives (ugh sick man), and at one point I can only describe as tasting this tropical like taste, as if I was tasting the island air, and at one point (the most pleasant) it was this like dried apple chunks with the sweetness but zero apple taste.
It smelled like, herbal wheat crackers and or crossed with chutney, and it smelled like bee pollen on one sniff. I think it smells like something else but can't think of what.
On the back of the package it says: Prime Minister's Export Award 2004.
The name of the product is Durian Monthong.
Well, at least it had a lot of vitamin c and I know what dried durian taste like now. I hope fresh durian is better and there is some variety out there that has just the sweet creamy taste without the nasty elements.