Hate Laws Flog Another Christian
By Harmony Grant
December 5, 2007
Telling the truth is an illegal act in Canada . It’s worse if you’re a Christian. A pastor in Alberta, Rev. Stephen Boissoin, is the latest to make this chilling discovery.
Boissoin has been charged by a human rights panel with violating Canada's "hate crime" law, for words he wrote to a newspaper back in 2002, when he was executive director of the Concerned Christian Coalition. His letter said "war has been declared" against the "homosexual machine."
I wonder which of Boissoin’s words violated the Canadian human rights law. Which of his words were “likely to expose homosexuals to hatred or contempt because of their sexual preference?” Maybe it was the part where he called their militant agenda “a machine.” That might be seen as flattery and certainly isn’t a lie.
In 1977, Quebec became the first jurisdiction in the world to prohibit private or public “discrimination” based on sexual orientation. In 1988, the first Canadian Member of Parliament “came out” to media. Also in 1988, a Canadian church first allowed ordination of openly practicing homosexuals. In 2005, Canada became the fourth country worldwide to federally sanction marriage between people of the same gender. Canadian public school curricula are currently being revised with “LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender] topics.” (Maybe while they’re at it they should include topics about boys who prefer large breasts or girls who like to be handcuffed during sex. Or maybe they should quit bringing sexuality into grade school.)
So. A machine? Fueled by the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith with its anti-Christian “hate crimes” laws, the Canadian homosexual movement is practically bionic. A 2000 Supreme Court decision ruled that homosexuals’ publications are federally protected free speech, even if they are sexually explicit or obscene.
Get this straight: If my homosexual neighbor prints a zine of photos of naked men having anal sex and urinating on each other, that’s protected speech. But I could be jailed if I distribute the same prints labeled with, say, Romans 1:27 (“In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion”).
The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith always claims that hate crime laws won’t stifle freedom of speech or religion. What a joke. They openly brag about their role as creators of “anti-hate” laws On their website you can even view their “model hate crime legislation,” which offers “The ADL Approach” to dealing with hatred, bigotry and racism. Sounds so noble.
But ADL isn’t concerned with preventing true violent crime (which is already against the law, hence the word “crime”). It also isn’t concerned about promoting true health in society, which is fundamentally based on families and healthy sexuality. Instead, ADL—a Jewish fraternal civil liberties organization—seeks to strip Christianity from public life and criminalize the expression of Christian morality (especially that of salvation through Christ alone).
In his excellent essay, “Is Sex Meaningless?”, Joel Hilliker writes that hate crime laws have made it incredibly easy for Christians to be “perceived” by the court as breaking the law. “Illegal discrimination now includes anything “perceived” as different treatment because of behavior “perceived” as not stereotypically male or female,” says Hilliker. “It includes anything that might suggest that a child living with biological Dad and Mom is advantaged over someone living with a single homosexual man or woman who has multiple partners. It could include a business treating a cross-dressing job applicant different from anyone else. It could include a reference to family in a school textbook that fails to mention it’s just fine if it involves a homosexual couple. You can be sure that zealous lawyers are itching to test the new laws by putting such “crimes” on trial.”
ADL is not concerned about bias in general—certainly not against Christians or Christians’ free expression of their faith! In The Conservative Voice, Bonnie Alba points out that Christmas is a time of numerous “hate crimes against Christians” when Christian symbols and public expression are increasingly not allowed. You may remember that last Christmas a rabbi complained about Christmas trees at the Seattle airport. To avoid any fuss this year, airport officials have banned any recognition that there even is such a thing as Christmas! No Christmas trees, carols or stars.
In one Michigan school district, a list of politically incorrect words is forbidden. They include Santa, Christmas, and nativity.
In case anyone has questions about what to disallow, the ADL has provided a helpful “December Dilemma” guide to make sure Christmas gets censored right out of public view. Mention of our Maker’s birth, here to redeem us, might make some people uncomfortable! Heaven forbid (see, ADL's 'December Dilemma').
So would I be speaking hate to say the militant pro-homosexual and “anti-hate” ADL is a machine efficiently stripping Christian faith and morals from North America? No, not hate. Just the facts.
By Harmony Grant
December 5, 2007
Telling the truth is an illegal act in Canada . It’s worse if you’re a Christian. A pastor in Alberta, Rev. Stephen Boissoin, is the latest to make this chilling discovery.
Boissoin has been charged by a human rights panel with violating Canada's "hate crime" law, for words he wrote to a newspaper back in 2002, when he was executive director of the Concerned Christian Coalition. His letter said "war has been declared" against the "homosexual machine."
I wonder which of Boissoin’s words violated the Canadian human rights law. Which of his words were “likely to expose homosexuals to hatred or contempt because of their sexual preference?” Maybe it was the part where he called their militant agenda “a machine.” That might be seen as flattery and certainly isn’t a lie.
In 1977, Quebec became the first jurisdiction in the world to prohibit private or public “discrimination” based on sexual orientation. In 1988, the first Canadian Member of Parliament “came out” to media. Also in 1988, a Canadian church first allowed ordination of openly practicing homosexuals. In 2005, Canada became the fourth country worldwide to federally sanction marriage between people of the same gender. Canadian public school curricula are currently being revised with “LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender] topics.” (Maybe while they’re at it they should include topics about boys who prefer large breasts or girls who like to be handcuffed during sex. Or maybe they should quit bringing sexuality into grade school.)
So. A machine? Fueled by the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith with its anti-Christian “hate crimes” laws, the Canadian homosexual movement is practically bionic. A 2000 Supreme Court decision ruled that homosexuals’ publications are federally protected free speech, even if they are sexually explicit or obscene.
Get this straight: If my homosexual neighbor prints a zine of photos of naked men having anal sex and urinating on each other, that’s protected speech. But I could be jailed if I distribute the same prints labeled with, say, Romans 1:27 (“In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion”).
The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith always claims that hate crime laws won’t stifle freedom of speech or religion. What a joke. They openly brag about their role as creators of “anti-hate” laws On their website you can even view their “model hate crime legislation,” which offers “The ADL Approach” to dealing with hatred, bigotry and racism. Sounds so noble.
But ADL isn’t concerned with preventing true violent crime (which is already against the law, hence the word “crime”). It also isn’t concerned about promoting true health in society, which is fundamentally based on families and healthy sexuality. Instead, ADL—a Jewish fraternal civil liberties organization—seeks to strip Christianity from public life and criminalize the expression of Christian morality (especially that of salvation through Christ alone).
In his excellent essay, “Is Sex Meaningless?”, Joel Hilliker writes that hate crime laws have made it incredibly easy for Christians to be “perceived” by the court as breaking the law. “Illegal discrimination now includes anything “perceived” as different treatment because of behavior “perceived” as not stereotypically male or female,” says Hilliker. “It includes anything that might suggest that a child living with biological Dad and Mom is advantaged over someone living with a single homosexual man or woman who has multiple partners. It could include a business treating a cross-dressing job applicant different from anyone else. It could include a reference to family in a school textbook that fails to mention it’s just fine if it involves a homosexual couple. You can be sure that zealous lawyers are itching to test the new laws by putting such “crimes” on trial.”
ADL is not concerned about bias in general—certainly not against Christians or Christians’ free expression of their faith! In The Conservative Voice, Bonnie Alba points out that Christmas is a time of numerous “hate crimes against Christians” when Christian symbols and public expression are increasingly not allowed. You may remember that last Christmas a rabbi complained about Christmas trees at the Seattle airport. To avoid any fuss this year, airport officials have banned any recognition that there even is such a thing as Christmas! No Christmas trees, carols or stars.
In one Michigan school district, a list of politically incorrect words is forbidden. They include Santa, Christmas, and nativity.
In case anyone has questions about what to disallow, the ADL has provided a helpful “December Dilemma” guide to make sure Christmas gets censored right out of public view. Mention of our Maker’s birth, here to redeem us, might make some people uncomfortable! Heaven forbid (see, ADL's 'December Dilemma').
So would I be speaking hate to say the militant pro-homosexual and “anti-hate” ADL is a machine efficiently stripping Christian faith and morals from North America? No, not hate. Just the facts.