Friday, March 28, 2008

I Knew Comcast Was Cheating Me!

AP Business Writer Thu Mar 27, 5:21 PM ET

PHILADELPHIA - Under pressure from federal regulators, Comcast Corp. reversed its stance over hampering online file-sharing by its subscribers and promised Thursday to treat all types of Internet traffic equally.

The Internet service provider said it will collaborate with BitTorrent Inc., the company that invented a more efficient successor to file-sharing services such as Napster and Kazaa, to improve the transmission of large files over the Internet — and it will eventually stop delaying file transfers based on the specific technology used.

Since user reports of interference with file-sharing traffic were confirmed by an Associated Press investigation in October, Comcast had vigorously defended its practice, most recently at a hearing of the Federal Communications Commission in February.

At issue was whether a service provider like Comcast has the right to control what types of Internet traffic it will let through, block or delay. Comcast said it needs to clamp down on heavy users of Internet bandwidth so others won't be slowed down.

FCC Chairman Kevin Martin said that while he was "pleased" that Comcast has reversed course, he remains concerned that the nation's largest cable company isn't stopping the practice now. Comcast gave itself until year's end.

"While it may take time to implement its preferred new traffic-management technique, it is not at all obvious why Comcast couldn't stop its current practice of arbitrarily blocking its broadband customers from using certain applications," Martin said in a statement.

Martin said the FCC will remain "vigilant" to ensure consumers can access any lawful content online.

Consumer-rights groups say the FCC should still act to protect consumers against other "discriminatory" network-management practices.

"Any arrangements made now would not cover any future developments in blocking, throttling or filtering that any other companies may use," said Gigi Sohn, president of Public Knowledge.

Consumer and "Net Neutrality" advocates have accused Comcast of playing judge and gatekeeper for the Internet by secretly blocking some connections between file-sharing computers. They also accused Comcast of stifling delivery of Internet video, an emerging competitor to its core business.

"This deal is the direct result of public pressure, and the threat of FCC action, against Comcast," said Marvin Ammori, general counsel of Free Press, a media reform group. "But with Comcast's history of broken promises and record of deception, we can't just take their word that the Internet is now in safe hands."

Comcast did not specify how it would manage traffic in the future but said one option was to delay file transfers for the heaviest downloaders, regardless of the specific mechanism used, as the company has been doing.

Comcast said it also was monitoring Time Warner Cable Inc.'s experiment in placing explicit caps on the monthly downloads for new customers in Beaumont, Texas. Subscribers who go over their allotment will pay extra, much like a cell-phone subscriber who uses too many minutes in a month.

But Comcast may be wary about charging certain users more because of competitive pressure, especially after rival Verizon Communications Inc. said recently that such traffic is legitimate and that its FiOS network can handle the flow, said Harold Feld of Media Access Project, a nonprofit advocacy group in Washington, D.C.

BitTorrent and the eDonkey protocol are used for about a third of all Internet traffic, according to Arbor Networks.

The vast majority of file-sharing is illegal distribution of copyright-protected files. But file-sharing is also emerging as a low-cost way of distributing legal content — in particular, video.

Comcast initially veiled its traffic-management system in secrecy, saying openness would allow users to circumvent it. The company now promises to release details on the new technique and take into account feedback from the Internet community.

Comcast and BitTorrent said they want to work out network management issues privately, without government intervention.

BitTorrent acknowledged service providers have to manage their networks somehow, especially during peak times.

"While we think there were other management techniques that could have been deployed, we understand why Comcast and other ISPs adopted the approach that they did initially," Eric Klinker, BitTorrent's chief technology officer, said in a statement.

Comcast also said that the issue is larger than BitTorrent. It said it was in talks with other parties to find solutions, although the cable company might not have much choice.

Verizon recently announced that by sharing information with Pando Networks, another file-sharing company, it simultaneously sped file-sharing downloads for its subscribers and reduced the strain on its network. AT&T Inc. has been looking at similar collaborations.

But phone companies are better positioned than cable companies to deal with file-sharing traffic because neighbors don't share capacity on phone lines.

Shares in Philadelphia-based Comcast rose 17 cents to $19.88 in afternoon trading Thursday.

Associated Press Business Writer Barbara Ortutay and Technology Writer Peter Svensson in New York contributed to this story.

Yet these theives charged me extra for having to call them to restore my internet service and after their software messed up my ability to connect on top of it. On top of that they expect me to pay even higher rates and a whopper of a bill from last month. HELL NO, I WANT ALL MY MONEY BACK OR FOUR MONTHS FREE FOR PREVENTING ME FROM COMPLETING MY DOWNLOADS! THEY HAVE BEEN DOING THIS SINCE ABOUT 5 DAYS AFTER I'VE BEEN USING BITORRENT!

A Review of a Confused Yahoo

A Review of
"Confused, Prurient and Amateur:
A debate is needed,
but this isn't the book to lead it,
By O. Buxton 'Olly Buxton'"

by Daniel Jackson Knight
This is my review of Olly's review of The Cult of the Amateur: How Today's Internet is Killing Our Culture

"Confused, Prurient[pretentious word] and Amateur"

"A debate is needed, but this isn't the book to lead it[citation needed][dubious][POV pushing]"

Because you said so.

"By O. Buxton 'Olly Buxton'[pretentious][redundant]" "Since Andrew Keen is so instinctively dismissive about amateur contributors to the internet[citation needed][dubious][ranting] - people like me - it's hardly surprising that I should instinctively dismiss his book,"

Do as you say not as you do huh? Yep, you're a true Yahoo Wikipedian.

"so let me declare an interest right away: I like Web 2.0.[ranting]"
And this has what to do with whether or not this book contains truths or lies how?

"I've been a contributor to it - through Amazon customer reviews, Wikipedia[citation needed], discussion forums[citation needed], MySpace[citation needed], Napster[citation needed] and so on - for nearly a decade now,[citation needed]"
And this has what to do with whether or not this book contains truths or lies how? Oh, and so you're right because you've contributed.; excellent Yahoo Wikipedian logic: It's you're feelings that matter, not the truth, and not doing as you say Mr. "No Citation Is Needed As Long As You Appease the Yahoo and Wikipedia Moderators".

"and I've followed the emergence of the political movement supporting it, exemplified by writers such as Larry Lessig and Yochai Benkler, with some fascination.[citation needed]"
And this has what to do with whether or not this book contains truths or lies how?
"and no, I've never made a dime out of it (though I have been sent a few books to review, not including this one).[citation needed]"
And this has what to do with whether or not this book contains truths or lies how? Mr. "Didn't Get a Dime (But Wait: I Did Get Free Books)" you get man-praise from like-minded liars which you clearly love more than God-praise for telling the truth.

"Andrew Keen is that classic sort of British reactionary: the sort that would bemoan the loss of the word 'gay' to the English language, and regret the damage caused by industrial vacuum cleaners on the chimney sweeping industry.[citation needed]["personal attack"][ranting]"
True Yahoo Wikipedian babble. And aren't personal attacks against the rules of both Yahoo Answers and Wikipedia and isn't POV pushing against the rules of Wikipedia? Blind much? Hypocritical much? Repeatedly forget what truth, evidence, reality, hypocrisy and contradiction mean much?

"His book is an empassioned[spelling], but simple-minded, harkening[spelling]"

Did you mean "impassioned" and "hearkening"? Hey, if atheists can dote on spelling errors of Christians, can't I at least point their's out? Atheists love to make fun of Christians for not using a spell checker; will they do the same to you?

"to those simpler times which concludes that our networked economy has pointlessly exalted the amateur, ruined the livelihood of experts, destroyed incentives for creating intellectual property, delivered to every man-jack amongst us the ability - never before possessed - to create and distribute our own intellectual property and monkeyed around mischievously with the title to property wrought from the very sweat of its author's brow.[citation needed]"
And besides missing yet another citation and getting that 132nd thumbs up for it, can you speak in a way that makes sense to everyone rather than pretending to be an expert on the truth by using awkward grammar and phrases posing as eloquent Shakespearean speech?

"Keen thinks this is a bad thing;[citation needed] but that is to assume that the prior state of affairs was unimpeachably good.[dubious]"
Who made this assumption? You, or him Mr. Weasel in the "But"? Isn't weasel-wording against Wikipedia's rules too? You don't even seem to be an amateur with your repeated violations of Wikipedia's Universal Religious Code. James the Wikipope and Essjay the Wikibishop shall hear of this.

"You don't have to be a paranoid Chomskyite to see the pitfalls of concentrated mass media ownership (Keen glosses over them), or note that the current intellectual property regime - which richly rewards a few lucky souls and their publishers at the expense of millions of less fortunate (but not, necessarily, less talented) ones, isn't the only way one could fairly allocate the risks and rewards of intellectual endeavour.[Pov pushing]"

Is this about the book's content or your views of the value of Wikipedia and Yahoo! Answers as a source of useful references let alone truthful references? You know personal commentaries not on the book but what the book talk about in the review space is against Amazon's rules right?

"Keen's world is one where there is a transcendental reality; a truth, purveyed by experts, trained journalists, and in great danger of dissolution by the radically relativised truths of Wikipedia where the community sets the agenda, and if two plus two equals five, then it is five.[citation needed][pretentious ranting][POV pushing]"

"So much Big Brother: Orwell's novel gets repeated mention,[citation needed] it apparently having escaped Keen that a media owned by a concentrated, cross-held clique of corporate interests[pretentious ranting] - which is what the old economy perpetuated[pretentious ranting] - looks quite a lot more totalitarian than publishing capacity distributed to virtually every person on the planet.[citation needed][pretentious ranting][POV pushing] "

"Keen laments[pretentious wording: Keep it simple genius; I know you hate kids and teens but wish to impress them at the same time, but not all of are mindless followers who enjoy hearing you pretending to be Andy Rooney] the loss of a 'sanctity of authorship'[citation needed][pretentious ranting] of the sort which vouchsafed[pretentious ranting] to Messrs Jagger and Richards (and their recording company)[citation needed] a healthy lifetime's riches for the fifteen minutes it took to compose and record Satisfaction[citation needed] (notwithstanding their debt - doubtless unpaid - to divers blues legends from Robert Johnson to Chuck Berry) and seems to believe individual creativity will be suddenly stifled by undermining it[weasel-wording][POV pushing][entire quoted section is here is word salad]"

"There's no evidence for this (certainly not judging by MySpace, the proliferation of blogs, Wikipedia, and so forth, as Keen patiently recounts), and no reason I can see for supposing it to be true on any other grounds.[citation needed][POV pushing]"

And show us your citation for "no evidence" for whatever the Hell you meant by your word salad up there. Dosado, mix those words 1 2 3, swing your partners, now clap your hands, rant and rant to all your fans, harass to death every man! Yaaaaaahoooooo!

"On the contrary, Yale law professor Yochai Benkler in his excellent (and freely available!)[citation needed] "

Yaaaaaahoooooo! This is also freely available: and so is cheap candy and bug-ridden freeware.

"The Wealth Of Networks has a much more sophisticated analysis:[citation needed]"

And "more sophisticated" is what matters most don't ya know, not the truth! True Yahoo-Wikipedian logic: "using uncommon words and complex wording to make yourself look as wise as genuine wisemen matters more than being a wise man."

"there is a non-market wealth of information and expertise - residing in heads like yours and mine - which the networked economy has finally unlocked, for the benefit of all, and at the cost of the poor substitute that preceded it.[word salad][Pov pushing]"

"That this might have compromised the gargantuan earnings capacity of one latter day Rolling Stones (to the incremental benefit of a few thousand others) is far less of a travesty - and more of a boon - than Keen thinks it is.[citation needed][word salad][POV pushing]Now rock bands have to sing for their supper. [citation needed][pretentious wording][word salad]"

And what does copyright law being broken (which is against Wikipedia's rules) have to do with whether or not Wealth Of Networks or Cult of the Amateur say anything worth listening to?

"Keen may regret that but, as a concert goer, I sure don't.[weasel words][POV pushing]"
And why does it matter, that you, a moral ignorant, "sure don't"?

"Keen also, irritatingly, keeps returning to the Monkeys and Typewriters analogy (writes your dear correspondent, a monkey).[citation needed][pretentious rant][POV pushing]"

"It is true there may not be much talent behind the infinite typewriters,[rant] but the evolutionary lesson is that there doesn't need to be,[citation needed][POV pushing]"

Since when are evolutionary lessons automatically are true and useful or any lessons? Thanks for those revealing weasel words DARWINIST. Yet another Darwinist defending Yahoo! Answers, the Myspace forums (where a Satanist and some anti-Christian were harassing me and who myspace banned for it. Would you like to see the confirmation emails I received? Or should I not allow the chance of another Darwinist to harass me with emails?) Using your logic creation science theories are also true and valid merely because they've been used as lessons.

And it's "true that it's maybe true" lol? Actual quote from you: rearranged so that everyone can more clearly see nonsense you said: "It is true there may ... be not much [truth]". And did you mean "It's true THAT there" Mr. Communication Expert?

"as long as we have tools,[citation needed][POV pushing]"

Oh, so as long as "we" have tools (including us creationists, Calvinists right, and anti-"the truth isn't important; all you need is references which appease the Yahoo and Wikipedia moderators"ists, right?) then the tools will magically make us do what's useful. I think I'll add that line to my book of arguments against God: "but we have tools and as long as we have them, we can defeat God and don't need the truth."

Wow you're still ranting and the amazon moderators have allowed your dissertation to remain long enough to get 131 votes up since July 24, 2007. How hypocritical that amazon kept removing my review, a "dissertation" as one amazon moderator called it, and which his master agreed with, despite it being shorter than your rant. Biased they are, just like you.

"be they Google algorithms or manual reputation management devices (things like Amazon's 'helpful review' voting buttons):[citation needed][POV pushing]"

Oh yeah, don't you know anti-Christian trolls voting down my review on Bean-zyme as soon as I made it, and creating new accounts to vote any reviews I've made down when they see someone has voted it up is just so useful? Funny how Calvinists don't use the same deceptive tactics. Is that because we're less evolved? Would you like us to evolve and create dummy accounts to vote you down?

"to sort the wheat from the chaff.[pretentious ranting]"

Would you like to give credit to the Bible for that unnecessary sentence? Or would you like everyone to believe that you're just really original? Give honor to whom honor is due credit-thieving Darwinist. Truly you are like your father Darwin who stole credit for the theory of natural selection from Edward Blyth (a creation scientist) and whose lovers continue to do so today on the Charles Darwin and Origin of the Species pages on Wikipedia.

"And like it or not, we *do* have these tools:[pretentious ranting][POV pushing]"

See the last three replies Mr. Pom Poms. And what does this part of your rant have to do with whether or not this book says anything useful? Time-wasting, opinion-parroting, feelings-basher?

"they're the sine non qua of Web 2.0,[pretentious ranting] the thing without which it would never have got off the ground.[citation needed][POV pushing]"

"And Wikipedia (or Linux, or eBay, or Amazon's customer review system) is potent evidence of that.[POV pushing][ranting]"

YOU JUST MENTIONED THOSE THINGS REDUNDANT TIME-WASTER, example: "be they Google algorithms or manual reputation management devices (things like Amazon's 'helpful review' voting buttons)". Evil opinion-basher: Stop ranting and repeating yourself; you are personally attacking in hypocrisy.

Sickening, you're still babbling:

"That there are notorious cases,[pretentious wording]"

"a few of which Keen recounts,[citation needed]"

What's wrong, don't want us to learn about Essjay the lying Wikipedia moderator and the incredible stubbornness of James, owner of Wikipedia, to admit it and get rid of him? Is that why you don't cite what you're talking about?

"doesn't detract from the fact that Wikipedia is largely comprised of brilliant articles,[citation needed][POV pushing]"

Because ye said so. Since when is everyone a gullible, simpleton like you? Since when is everyone an "ignore the examples showing that mobs cannot trusted" type like you are? And how arrogant that you pretend to be the representative and think you are, of 30+ million Calvinists and other countless numbers of Christians who don't worship Darwin or your mob moderators. Delusions of Grandeur much? Do you have any references that show you speak for the 30+ million Calvinists and anti-Darwinists?

Wow, please, shut up already:

"with helpful links and useful surrounding discussion, a complete history, and those articles that aren't so good are obviously not: all you need to pack for a visit is your critical faculties. Again, if the choice were blind faith[citation needed][POV pushing] in Encyclopaedia[weasel word][personal attack] Britannica"

Did you mean Encyclopedia, or pedophile? Got something on your mind that you'd like to share with us Mr. Paedia?

"or a sceptical"[Britishism]

Did you mean "skeptical"?

"read of Wikipedia, I know which I'd have, and which I'd counsel for my children - especially since Wikipedia is automatically up-to-date,[citation needed][POV pushing] "

If your idea of skeptical reading is to claim without evidence that Wikipedia magically updated whenever new information about THE TRUTH (oopsie, Wikipedia ain't about the truth it says as well as one of their harassing moderator repeated to me) is p made then you are a extremely deluded moron. Hopefully your kids are already sick of your over-weening pride and have seen through your gross, immoral, stupidity.

"preternaturally[pretentious wording (kids, look in the dictionary, your dad is playing scholar again)] "

"following the zeitgeist,[pretentious word] and replete[pretentious word] with good know-how on things that Britannica would never have in a million years.[citation needed][dubious][POV pushing]["personal attack"] "

Are ya done playing scholar yet? Oh no:

"Most of the time, we don't need a nobel-prize certified article,[citation needed][pretentious ranting]"

"and in Britannica wouldn't get one anyway,[dubious][POV pushing]"

"if what we wanted to know about was *The Knights who say 'Ni'.[pretentious rant]"

Stop ranting please. No, he won't:

"Elsewhere Keen misunderstands Adam Smith, Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jaques Rousseau, the Correspondence Theory of Truth,[dubious][citation needed] "

"implies that traditional media isn't systemically biased, assumes his fellow men have no sense of scepticism whatever (because something is watched on YouTube,[citation needed]"

"Keen assumes it is necessarily believed true),[citation needed]"

"and constantly fails to see the double standards in his own arguments:[citation needed]"

"Complaining that traditional media is losing out to a swarm of unpaid, underresourced amateurs,[citation needed][punctuation: should end in a period (which would help make it look less like you're ranting. Oh wait, you are.)]"

Did you mean undererererersourced? Were you tired of ranting? I wonder if it's considered "poor etiquette" in Wikipedia's holy guidelines as well to not make sure you haven't posted any typos rather than simply because you didn't sign your post which automatically gets signed anyways. Hmmm, lsince Wikipedia's morality is backwards and petty... probably not.

STOP: You are vandalizing Amazon's review section and your review will be removed. Dang, it didn't work (must only work on creationists):

"Keen suddenly remarks 'but in reality it's often those with the loudest, most convincing message, and the most money to spread it, who are being heard'. Plus ca change, eh?[nonsense]"

Plus what? Are done gushing stupid garbage yet? Yet? Nope, Darwin still gotsum opinions to show off:


Really? We're almost there yet? Please? How about you stop the car now so us kids can get out and find some foster parents who aren't full of themselves? I'll trade you some printed pages of Wikipedia.

"Keen laments[pretentious wording] the passing of specialist record and book shops like Tower, whose 'unparalleled' and 'remarkably diverse selection' will be lost to us for ever.[citation needed][word salad]"

"Clearly he's no online shopper then,[dubious][citation needed][POV pushing]"

Dang, he doesn't shop online, he's bad, very bad. Is "Thou shalt shop online." part of the Web 2.0 religious code?

"since dear old Amazon[pretentious rant]"

"Dear" to you. You're not the spokesperson for Calvinists and creationists.

"would lick all of them put together[pretentious rant]"

What? Essjay? Essjay is that you? Come on, I know it's you Essjay.

"- but Amazon, he says, lacks the dedicted[typo] expertise of sales assistants"

STOP: It is considered poor etiquette (by uh) to post a long rant without at least checking for spelling errors, so that only your Darwinist friends can mock pagans and Christians for making them.

I thought this was the "last"? God bless you but can you leave now? I have a life you know, it's not about listening to people like you rant nonstop about how wonderful you and your "contributions" are oh Benefactor.

"that could have stepped out of Nick Hornby's Hi Fidelity.[pretentious ranting]"


"Except that it doesn't, since it has literally millions of them -[ranting]"

"people like you and me -[ranting][pouting]"

"who can offer our tuppence[pretentious wording] "

Where did you get these words? Wikipedia's page on How to Sound Like You're Smart and Even If You're An Ill-tempered Knows-nothing? Or was it that book, The Art of Verbal Self-Defense: For Dummies.

"worth gladly and without thought of recompense.[pretentious word][word salad]"

"The thing is, there *is*[pom poms]"

Still talking Mr. Lastly or should we called you Pom Poms?

"debate to be had here, though not quite the apocalyptic one that this author believes is necessary, and at times Keen touches on it, but his brimming prurience[pretentious wording] and needless moral disgust[ranting][POV pushing]"

Becuz, u, said, so. And ooooo damn his morals. Your Amazonian, Yahooligan, Wikipedian, Darwinian Truth-Don't Matter Just Evolution and Amazonian, Yahooligan, Wikipedian, Darwinian Approved References religion is the right one. I'm so happy that all I have to do is call myself an Calvinistic Christian or just an eternian to identify what I stand for.

Curls nose:

"- at the cost of level-headed anlysis[typo] and expostion[typo][pretentious rant]"

"- towards a community which has simply adjusted to the new social envinronment[typo] more quickly than traditional political and business models have makes this a poor entry for the purposes of kicking off that debate.[pretentious rant][word salad]"

Do I need to call the police? I said no solicitations, can you read spammer? What little you know about good and evil you are confused about; that's not debatable.

"In the mean time, Yochai Benkler's The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom and Lawrence Lessig's Code: Version 2.0 (neither of which Keen seems to have read)[dubious][POV pushing][pointless repetition]"

"might be a better place for interested persons to start."

A Mob Spokesman: Hey everyone, our mob of Congressman have decided to pass the Patriot Act (except presidential candidate Ron Paul). Does that men the FBI might come to your house and that you might lose some of your rights when they come to investigate you? Maybe, maybe. But which is more important? Your security, or your freedom? Maybe it's your security. It just might be a better country now that we get to spy on you whenever we feel like it. It just maybe might be the truth. So yeah. There.

Visit this excellent store and gain wisdom. Purchase a book to help me continue to expose lies and to spead the truth.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Things I Hate

I hate
  • circumcision (God doesn't require that you chop off a piece of your private part anymore, so get over it and stop messing with baby boys' private parts, it's sick)
  • the U.S. gov. oppressive behavior. Stop the "drug war", stop the oil wars, stop the anti-intelligent design teaching in public schools war
  • Bill Gate's oppressive stupidity (Bill, please improve Windows XP in a way other than by fixing it's security weaknesses)
I hate it when
  • people judge a thing based on a shallow understanding of what they are judging (who forget "Don't judge a book by its cover")
  • stingy people expect you to be generous
  • people who ignore you for no good reason think that as long as they don't feel hate or call you a "bad" or "mean" word that they're not doing anything wrong
  • unfriendly people expect kindness from strangers, hearing the word "indeed" (sounds nerdy)
  • arrogant people use the pretentious comeback line: "do please..." as if the person thinks they're the queen of England because they said, "do please"
  • and when people complain that you're being negative if you complain and who ignore the good you do, and yet act like they're being "positive". Hints: complaining and criticizing isn't defined as "being negative" in any dictionary and I don't want any bullshit hypocritical religion of "Thou shalt not be negative in my eyes" whatever the hell that means, to your self. I've already got a God, and he's not you. If you don't like my speech then find somewhere else to play Speech Police instead of acting like you're being forced to listen to me by my mind control powers.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Stopped by the Wind and Sand

I never made it, so there goes $40+. I got slammed by the wind and sandblasted and had to keep spitting sand out. It was hellish, I felt like I was going to die and only made it half way.

I applied for food stamps but they want me to meet with them on the 24th, and I just spent most of my plasma money on food, and am about to spend what little left I have before I go crazy from lack of candy.

I hate my life.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

More Hellish Struggling

If I make it to the plasma center, and don't, get arrested, or anything bad like that, I'll have to bike back home in 40 mph winds : (

Someone please help me

I have to sell plasma again, but the wind speed outside is 21 mph. I wish I had something to cover my mouth with. Well, at least it's not cold outside this time.

Please, if there are any lawyers willing to help me sue the s.s.a. for damages, please contact me at

: (

Oppressed by the U.S.: Why Not to Trust the U.S. Governments or "The Assmblies of God"

I started getting disability checks last year I think. I asked a social security phone operator if plasma "donations" counted as (reportable?) income and he or she said "yes". I think I even repeated because I was a little astonished since to donate plasma saves lives and because you don't get much for it (and for me it's a huge tormentuous effort to do so being that one of my disabilities is quick exhaustion), and maybe because it was apparent that only the desperately poor sold plasma.

Anyways, so I told them something like that I made $160 one month, and $80 another month (and the operator I noticed was rude, and said something like, "Look, you just said you made ___ this much and now you said ___" (part of my disability was my memory with numbers) and to my disgust, this confession turned into taking out much much more than I made, which I found out on Friday. Insanely, two operators appear to have misheard me about the plasma selling thing, and turned it into me making continuous income from it so that they counted me as getting payment each month totaling something like over $1400. But two days ago, I found out I only made $300, yet they've been cutting into my check so that where I was once getting something like $700 a month, it's now about $364. And because I'm relying on a prepaid debit card (no thanks to them keeping me from getting the money I needed to keep my bank account open), I get even less than that.

Though this may seem off topic, it's not, but I have been desperately trying to get a girlfriend / wife for years but have been struggling with poverty. There was this girl at the plasma center that I wanted to ask out, but she went outside and I wasn't allowed to leave or I'd have to restart the process of donating again. So I watched as she left, being desperate for money. For all I know that might have been the only girl I would have ever wanted to go out with that I could have. Things like that have been happening ever since they started taking money out of my check. It's hellish and feels crushing. I lost my bank account because of this, the only one that I was able to open because of my credit, being unable to pay my bills (guess why?) and couldn't pay off my paypal bill so lost my paypal account privilege.

I stopped attempting to get medical care or orthotics for my high arches (also part of my disability) and any medical care period because:

1. I think they took away my Medicare because of the plasma money they counted against me

2. they give me less that I can use for rent, and only about the amount I need for food each month, toiletry, laundry, and house cleaning supplies.

3. they took away my social security payments

Ironically, I stopped selling plasma because they told me it was income that I was required to report. And then, when I decided to start selling it again, it was winter, and I wasn't able to afford winter clothes to go donate. I suppose I would have made even more than $300 since I would have had the money to get an electric bicycle motor and complete a lightweight bike I had in mind (which I also wanted to use to get a job).

I can't even afford a landline and ran out of money for my cell phone a few days ago, and I think I'm about to lose my internet again because I can't afford it. On top of that, I'm using comcast internet who has been ripping me off on bandwidth big time; they've been disconnecting me over 3 times an hour every day and when I went to call them for a refund, my cell phone time had expired.

This hell from them has repeatedly driven me back to the depression that caused me to end up with suicidal thoughts, which I've been trying to fight off since I was 13.

I went to sell plasma again two days ago and was sand blasted by the wind, and since I couldn't afford goggles or a face mask, my eyes and mouth got sandblasted too.

When I went to bike home, I was nearly crying at times as I was so exhausted and angry that I was going through Hell all because of some idiot employees and their cold-hearted stupid managers that couldn't be bothered to make sure they knew what they were doing and who were too lazy to go and listen to the tape recordings of what I said.

I got so desperate I ended up writing a letter to them trying to convince them that I never sold any plasma.

My dad as usual let me know that he can't help me forever (and gets a stingy attitude on me almost all the time), and that really stresses me out because I'm always telling him I'm doing the best I can, and he won't believe me and when I tell him I want to sue for damages, he scoffs at me for it and tells me to keep silent and not make any enemies.

I've also been trying forever to publish some books I finished, but of course, I can't afford the book covers or the publishing costs for any publishers that will advertise my books! Guess why? On top of that I can't afford to repair my computer or a new computer (which keeps messing up on me and taking out my research and notes for other books when it freezes and suddenly reboots on me), so, the s.s.a. is indirectly hindering me from finishing new books on top of it.

I even have the proof that what I write is acceptable to many people, but will that do me any good if I can't even afford to get anyone to listen?

All this in turn has been messing up my ability to sleep and wake up early enough to sell plasma without having to wait 2 hours and 30 minutes just to get it over with (that's not counting the 40 minutes it takes me to bike there).

I wish the s.s.a. would do what's right and pay me back for putting me through Hell.

What's most ironic about all this, is that I spent a ton of my time on Yahoo! Answers helping the depressed and suicidal, trying to keep them from killing themselves and to have a good life. Meanwhile, I had atheists, pagans, and false Christians harassing me and reporting me and getting over 20 of my accounts deleted.

At the same time, I was hoping my reputation for helping others would be usable information on a resume to get a job at a nearby Calvary Chapel church.

I finally made a "run" of help on Y.A. that was only picked on once, by a moderator (big surprise) but when I complained, for the first time out of my tons of ignored complaints, my answer to one question was restored.

Now, if only I could get my life restored: For over a year I've stayed in my apartment because of how I would get mistreated and looked down on at churches for being and looking poor and for looking sad all the time. For example, a pastor called Pastor Galen of First Family Assembly Church of God in Albuquerque, N.M. said to me, after telling him about my money problems and disabilities, and being fired from my job, with a cold look, "You reap what you sow."

Why his cold response? Because I had sharply corrected his son, who is (unless he's married by now) an illegitimate pastor. His dad even unintentionally confirmed it when I asked him if he believed a pastor must be married, and he said, "yes". I wonder if he would have been honest if I had instead said, "Do you believe Dustin is an illegitimate pastor because he isn't married?"

So, I reaped what I sowed by deciding to admit to the s.s.a. that I made money from selling plasma, for deciding to be honest. So I reaped insults from Pastor Galen by deciding to turn to pastor Galen for help more than once, and being ignored by hum, and his son Dustin even getting in the way of me trying to recover money owed to me by one of his disciples. More offensive was that this disciple was someone who had joked that his church (the catholic church) got away with molesting kids, boasted about it, and then said he would make fun of his own son (if he had one) if he had gotten molested, and on top of that, afterwards, was called out to be rewarded for helping to sell pumpkins for Pastor Galen's church, when in fact he had sat in the trailor playing games while I was the one helping on two different years and in the first year, gave a $20 tip I was given (which I did however because I thought the people in the trailor there would think I was pocketing sales). But did I get called out to be rewarded? No.

Pastor Galen is the one who first said I was that my rebukes of Dustin were the most "venomous", "critical" (he needs to learn the definition of critical), and hateful that he'd ever read (I guess he's had his head in the sand during the continuous attacks of Satanists, atheists, pagans, and Catholics). He even implied that what I wrote was of Satan because I didn't sign what I sent to Dustin, which would make the gospels are Satanic too using that warped logic.

So, I gave $20 extra to Pastor Galen's church, helped them make money, and get told with a mean critical venomous spirit, that I "reap what I sow." Yes, I did reap what I sowed by helping you Pastor Galen and Dustin, Dustin who in cowardice sicked his dad on me to get rid of me. Yes, I did reap persecution by leaving a polite note at Whole Foods, telling them that I thought some questions on their employee test were anti-Christian. Yes, Job did reap what he sowed right Pastor Galen? Yes, Jesus did reap being mistreated for being poor, including being slandered, and including being slandered by you with your using God's word against me in revenge, and taking it out of context to do so.

Yes, Jesus did reap being tortured and murdered, right Pastor Galen? And whatever you say is true because you said so, or, as your son said to me in defense of his telling me not to talk to his disciple about his theft (even after telling him about his disciples sick jokes, which was few seconds after him justifying to me his helping keep adult strangers away from kids at church) :

"I'm the pastor, law of the land".

The law of the land = a pastor being able to do and say whatever he wants in other words. No surprise to me Dustin said that to me since while at a restaurant with him, before his declaration of American dictatorship, he said to me and the other Christians before him:

"I want to be just like my dad, he's a great man."

Hopefully, when I go to anymore Christians for help in the future, I'll not be let down by weak-willed ones like the "leader" Kevin Guido, who decide to break their word and abandon you, just because they feel like you might blame them if they fail to help you. I'm would like to know how pointing out how I've been oppressed excuses anyone, let alone leaders, to avoid helping you. Pretty ironic huh?: Tell a Christian leader you're oppressed, and be insulted and avoided by him. That's what will get you blamed Kevin:

Not doing your job, despite you saying that helping people is what, "church is for" (you should have included your small print commandment (unless you feel like they might get mad at you one day)

So much for your support groups. So much for protecting "your kids" (his college groups / support groups = his kids and protecting them from me = protecting the girls of his groups from me asking any of them out, which by him saying, excluded me from his groups, despite me sighing up with one of them and him knowing it.)

You know who I want to be like? I want to be like Jesus. Now that's a great man. Don't you agree?


Youtube, or Google's owners rather, have taken Ron Paul off their presidential candidates page despite him having the most subscribers of all the candidates. Shameful. What's next Google, my blog?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Scorpion Tears

I watched a video on msn about a man who was trying to get Americans to eat bugs as much as they eat anything else. There was this one scene where he put a little cooked scorpion on top of some other food, and I think because of the sad sounding music that was playing, I suddenly started to feel very sad for the scorpion.

Then I started thinking about all the animals dying everywhere, animals that were little smarter than little children, who all seem to feel pain and probably love amd joy just as much.

Then I thought about how Adam felt when he was told by God that he would have to eat animals (if that did happen). If it happened, he must have felt scared, very guilty, and very sad, having seen all of God's amazing creatures, and seeing how peaceful they were, but because of his one act of carelessness, would be reminded constantly of what he did by having to kill to stay healthy.

The Greatest Law of the Anti-Christian: "Do as I feel, not as the Bible says."

Check out what this oh so wise and peaceful celsius233 from youtube, who thinks he knows everything about Christians, and who doesn't know me, said to me on March 4, 2008, 3:52 A.M.:

"Curious that creationists never allow people to freely comment on their videos or channels.
What exactly is it you people are afraid of?"

Here is my reply to you people:

1. Curious you people are too lazy to read past one sentence from a Christian who opposes your stupid shallow self-centered hypocritical morality, and call anything more then one sentence or a long sentence from a Christian "ranting", "nonsense", "whining", or "bitching", and say, "Listen to yourself, did you hear what you said?" Yet hypocritically claim that you don't have the time to read what they've said, and on top of that, as if you are being forced to read it all at once.

And hypocritically you demand that Christians read far more than one sentence from you, and carefully, or they, "don't want to listen", "don't care about the truth", are "close-minded", "just want to argue," or say to them "ignorance is bliss" when you are the ones doing the ignoring as best you can.

2. Curious you:

a. troll me on yahoo answers (see

b. troll me on wikipedia (see the history section of and notice how the yahoo answers troll atheist novangelis keeps reverting pages made by someone criticizing him and his stalker friends or pages in which evolution propaganda was removed?)

c. troll me on digg (notice all the negatives on every comment I make?)

d. troll me on (notice all the negatives on nearly all my reviews and the same atheists commenting on my reviews and the last review in which I point out that you people had it deleted twice? Notice that's not the only review you people have tried to have deleted?)

e. endlessly post snide baseless comments in the religion section of all websites, especially bashing the Bible when it clearly speaks against you

f. make false reviews on nearly all the christian books, especially the latest ones, and vote them 1 star no matter how much solid evidence it contains against evolution, the big bang, atheism, and for the Bible

g. PRE-block me on yahoo answers so that I can't email them or see their questions, answers, friends or fans

h. often have friendlock on on youtube, strong-arming anyone who wants to say anything to you to add you as a friend regardless if you are an enemy or not so that you people can prevent any christians that don't appear to agree with your feelings about their religion from saying anything to you at all

i. prevent Christians from making video responses to you on youtube and block comments from Christians

Therefore, according to your own JUDGMENT, you people must be the dishonest, truth-hating cowards.

Yet you people think it's o.k. for you to say whatever you want and whenever you want about and to Christians.

Yet if I or any other Christian blocks or screens comments or videos, gently refutes or reports hateful or time-wasting nonsense posted by you, then all Christians in the universe (who don't agree with your hateful opinions of God) we are automatically are "liars", "cowards", "drunkards", "close-minded", "insane", 'trolls", "stalkers", "whiners", "rapists", "hypocrites", "hatefully propaganda spreading for money and total control over everything", "disturbing the peace" and "harassing" you.

3. Curious you people call Christians mindless, yet you think you think you've always got something new to say that disproves Christianity, never bothering to see if someone already asked or said the same thing, never bothering to seriously consider or see if Christians already responded to it with a good answer.

4. Curious you people don't even bother to ponder let alone look to see if anyone has already asked or said something to a Christian but for no logical reason, and in arrogance, think ur a Christopher Columbus.

5. Curious you people constantly gush lies from your mouth and contradict yourself as I've shown you've done with your snotty, rankly childish and obviously wrong email, yet then have the nerve to say Christians are aggressive for no reason.

6. Curious after repeatedly being defeated in anti-Christian argument after anti-Christian argument you keep trying to win despite being shown to be wrong on all the essentials. You'd think that you people were illogically aggressive, bitter, sore-losing, prideful, violence-lovers who pretend to care about the truth but are really only looking to play tyrant over Christians for pleasure.

7. Curious you people think that YOUR mere sarcasm, YOUR mere insults, YOUR mere claims, YOUR mere belief, and YOUR mere doubt = proof, yet think you are scientists and say, "If the Bible said it I believe it".

8. Curious you assume all Christians are as dumb as you people when you hardly know any of them, don't want to know, and can't be bothered to listen carefully, and despite them repeatedly defeating you, even when you people engage in mass unjust torture and murder of Christians, including of Christian kids and babies.

9. Curious most of you people aren't scientists and repeat anti-biblical 'scientific' statements from atheist, pagan, or false Christian scientists as long as it's anti-biblical, yet if a non-Christian scientist repeats a scientific statement FROM ANY SCIENTIST, CHRISTIAN OR NOT you mock, "it's so honest of you to only mention scientific statements that fit the Bible".

10. Curious you people love to call Christians untrustworthy and hypocrites when they sin even slightly, yet you people do whatever you feel is best for yourselves, yet claim and act as if whatever you say can be trusted whenever you speak to a Christian.

11. Curious, you people hate it when Christians obey God, yet if they disobey him in the slightest, you call them untrustworthy and hypocrites.

12. Curious you people often resort to "I don't care" as your last line of defense when refuted completely, yet spent your time acting as if you cared about right from wrong and true from false.

13. Curious you people cite your own word or obscure sources or with few references which also cite their own word as evidence, yet if a Christian cites sources, including the Bible, it's just "faith" preaching.

14. Curious you people dote on a typo from a Christian or their use of a slang word, and claim it's evidence of a poor education or not being able to be understood because their English is too bad, yet when you people do the same, and a Christian points it out to show that you people also do the same, you call them petty, insulting, making low blows, or taking cheap shots.

15. Curious you people love to praise poor non-Christians as being oppressed by Christians or as being "holy" like Gandhi (who was a black-hater by the way) or the glutton Buddha, or the money-hording torturer Mother Teresa, yet when I pointed that I'm poor and jobless you people make fun of me as being lazy and not being able to afford drugs for my mental problems.

16. Curious you people glory in your mental problems and taking medication for them, yet make fun of me because im supposedly insane.

17. Curious you people love to claim I'm not a Christian because I'm "so hateful", yet if a "Christian" agrees with whatever you say, never scolding you for speaking evil after already being repeatedly corrected for it, or insults me for correcting you, they are "reasonable", "peaceful", "honest" and know what "love is" and "what being a Christian means".

18. Curious you people preach survival of the fittest yet imply Christians are evil for trying to survive.

19. Curious you people love to dish hatred but hate to take hatred of your hatred from a Christian.

20. Curious you people are allowed to do whatever you feel like, but not Christians.

21. Curious you people claim lying can be a good thing in certain situations or because it's "human", "natural", "helpful" and sometimes necessary to survive. Yet if a Christian who hates your morality tells a small lie, they are doing severe evil and are a hypocrite.

22. Curious you people do all these things and 99.9% refuse to stop in stubborn pride when it's pointed out, and say, "I don't care", especially in private to me, yet call me hateful and cowardly.

23. Curious after all these obvious points you people still think you should be able to say and do whatever, wherever and whenever you want, and that Christians should always pay attention carefully to it, or praise you for it, or totally ignore it.

24. Curious you people think if something is curious to you that whatever you say about it must be true, yet if a Christian thinks something is 'curious' you say or think that they're just ignorant and stupid.

25. Curious you people always have an excuse for your sick behavior, pointing the finger at everyone but yourselves, or trying to make everyone look equally guilty, even a little kid doing good to you, or saying, "Can't you take a joke?", "Why are you so uptight?"," Why are you so serious all the time?", "Relax." Yet if a Christian has a good answer, with derision you call it an "excuse" and say, "Can't you just admit you don't know for once?" or "You're not listening."

26. Curious you claim Christians are stupid for claiming not to know how God created the universe and that you do know how the universe was created any why it happened, how life came about, how life evolved, the purpose of life, and what will happen to the universe in the end. Yet you dersively say to them, "Can't you just admit you don't know for once?"

27. Curious you people are hypocrites like I've pointed out, yet if a Christian says something that points that out, whether one hypocritical thing or all of them, and you know they are a Christian, you call them hypocrites and mock, "Do as I say not as I do" and say, "You're not listening."

28. Curious you people claim that all Christians are the same, and refer to them as "you people" yet if a Christian says, "you people" you mock, saying, "Gotta love those generalizations", "Gotta love those stereotypes", "Yep, you know me".

29. Curious you people refer to yourselves as "non-Christians", "we", or "a group", and arrogantly speak for everyone, including the countless millions of "deceived" and "dangerous" who oppose you that you magically forget exist, and in your self-delusion, thinking there is only one Christian in the universe who opposes you. And yet even for that supposed one Christian you speak for, saying, "It is believed that man evolved..." or as if they can't possibly be a scientist, saying, "scientists say man evolved".

30. Curious you people scold a Christian and call them harsh, negative, critical, and judgmental if they gently judge a harsh judgment from you, because you claim they must "know" you (as in know your favorite color? Walk by your side and listen to you carefully for years? Know your contradictory, incomplete and poorly worded 100 Commandments?). Yet you people don't hesitate to judge the whole life of a Christian and lump them all together based on a moment of YOUR casual observation (or someone else's pathetic judgment).

31. Curious your kind approve of this childish reply to a Christian when they ask you anything about God, "There is no God," yet if they were to answer you that way when asking them about evolution you would no doubt accuse them of being anti-scientific and dishonest. Curious you people may take the easy, lazy, evil way out when answering Christians who oppose you, but they must walk over spikes for your mere pleasure.

32. Curious your kind resorts to bullying, torture, lying, careless illogical parroting, theft, and murder to get your way, even against your own kind, yet Christians who oppose you for it are the evil ones.

Though it may seem best to copy the tactics of these anti-Christians who refuse to stop harassing, to ignore them back and say, "Yawn", the Bible instead says to do good to them, by avoiding them if possible so that they won't condemn themselves, cause you to sin, prevent you from leading others to Christ or helping those who love him to love him even more, and to do good to them by blessing and praying for them.

May God bless all you anti-Christians.


On March 4, 2008 celcius the wise responded to the shorter inferior version of my list above! Are you ready of it? Note that it may not be wise to show it to your kids since it's a little harsh (apparently anti-Christians don't care about what kids are exposed to, not surprising to me since it matches their "Do whatever I feel like doing" commandment), are you ready? Scroll down:

"Get f[*]cked, spammer!"

I know I know it's just so, scholarly and, scientific and oh so undefeatable. For God is now forever refuted.

My reply:

Thank you for reminding me of one of your endless, lazy-brained, slanderous hit and run cop-outs, and shame on you for proving my point, or rather God's, which I already emailed to you:

"A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions." - Proverbs 18:2

I didn't mention this one however:

The poor use treaties; the rich respond roughly. - Proverbs 18:23

Amazingly celcius has allowed that and my previous comments to remain on his profile page. He seems to be one of those ultra-deluded types that are so deluded that they thinks what I've said truly proves him right and so doesn't bother to delete it.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Relying On a Mormon Isn't Fun

Having to use the computer of a certain Mormon person who only wants to have fun isn't fun. He'd rather look at porn then help me spread the gospel. Hopefully he'll change, but I can't see how since he's already been through Hell and has a horrid life. If what he's going through now doesn't phase him, I don't know what will except Judgment Day, and by then, it will be too late.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Another Genius Atheist Challenges Me - Smell the Love

Date: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 19:31:52 -0800:
" So i hear that you are a off the wall christian, well don't christians accept everyone for who they are and not tell them they are going to hell? and i also heard that you counsel christians why do christians need counseling? that makes a lot of sense. [...]"
My reply:

Why do Christians need counseling lol? That [question] stopped me from reading the rest of your email, no offense.
  1. Use common sense.

  2. Don't believe everything you hear, [...] are you gullible?

  3. Don't be mentally and spiritually lazy; read the Bible carefully this time, it's already got your answer many times over, in fact, it's part of the main theme. There's also google and search engines like it, and I'm sure there's a church next to you somewhere. Don't be scared or the traditional Baptists or Presbyterians, usually they don't bite. You can hopefully go to a church and ask why Christians need counseling... lol.

  4. You just made atheists look bad again.

  5. That first part of your letter is going on my blog because man, that's funny, [(]though very sad[)].

God bless you.

Advice to atheists who email me, starting out with a hostile tone isn't exactly encouraging me to read your whole letter. Learn from history already, bashing, sarcastic insults, assuming, reasonless violence, laziness and murder will not get a God-loving Christian to bow down and worship you let alone or listen or read to whatever you want them to.

Note: Trevor's original letter was not bold, I did that to make it this post easier to read and to contrast his letter from my reply.